To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,69

known that Jane was a virgin. I didn’t fuck with virgins. Virgins got attached. And I didn’t need that. Especially not with Jane. I liked Jane. She was beautiful without trying. She was smart, she was witty, she got me and my sense of humor and she was open to new things. She was one of the good one’s. The only problem was that I wasn’t one of the good ones. I was a douche. She’d been right about that. There were many women who had cried over me and I hadn’t cared. I didn’t care about breaking hearts. “Get in and get out,” that had always been my motto. I didn’t know how that would be possible with Jane. She was already in my bloodstream. I don’t know how she’d done it, but I could already feel her inside of me. When I’d woken up the first thing I’d done was look over to see her face. She’d still been sleeping, so peaceful, so happy and I’d pulled her into my arms again and held her tightly against me. My beautiful princess.

“I’m excited to meet them all. See the people in your life.” She said and then she stopped. “It’s okay, Tate. I’m going to be okay.”

“Are you sure?” I stared at her nervously.

“I’m sure.” This time she squeezed my hand. “I think you’re the one that’s worried. I’m going to be okay. I’m a big girl. There’s nothing they can say or do to me to make me feel bad.” She shook her head. “Trust me. I’ll be okay.”

“Okay.” I said, but I didn’t feel as confident as she did. She didn’t know them like I did. For a few seconds I wondered if we could just leave. Go back to the hotel, make love, go to dinner and then fly back to San Francisco. I’d apologize to Rose, tell her that work stuff came up. She’d understand. But even as I thought it I knew I couldn’t do that. I was a man now, not a boy. I couldn’t run away from situations that made me angry. I had to deal with them. “Come on then, let’s meet the Howards.” I pulled her hand so that she was closer to me and we headed to the door. I rang the doorbell and moments later, Rose was there and running into my arms.

“Oh Tate, you’re home!” She grinned at me, her long blonde hair flying around her face. She hugged me tight and then looked back. “Looking good, brother.”

“Looking good too, Rose Bud.”

“Tate.” She rolled her eyes at me. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“Hi, I’m Rose.” Rose offered her hand to Jane and smiled, before looking back at me with an arched questioning brow.

“Hi, I’m Jane.” Jane smiled at her. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you as well.” Rose said and then looked at me. “Do mom and dad know?” I knew immediately what her question was and I frowned at her. Why would she bring it up in front of Jane? She was meant to be on my side.

“No.” I said gruffly. “Where are Maybelle and Willow?” I changed the subject.

“They’re in the study.” She rolled her eyes. “They’re trying to ignore mom and dad, so they’re pretending to do some research on something or other.”

“Maybelle and Willow are my younger sisters.” I turned to Jane, who was listening quietly.

“I remember.” She nodded.

“Come inside, you two.” Rose said and then grabbed both of our hands. “Are you thirsty? I made lemonade. Spiked of course.” She gave a little laugh. “You’ll love it.”

“Where’s Sam?” I asked her softly.

“Oh he’s gone to protest somewhere.” She shrugged. “A different weekend, a different cause.”

“Hmm, okay.”

“Tate Howard, is that you I hear?” My mother’s high-pitched voice sailed through the entryway and I watched as she approached me with her direct blue eyes, perfectly coiffed blonde hair and immaculate makeup. “Darling, you’re home.” She stopped in front of me and offered her cheeks.

“Hello mother.” I kissed her cheeks dutifully.

“Taft, Tate is home.” Her voice tinkled as she called out to my father.

“Coming dear.” My dad strode out of his office and headed towards us. He stood tall, at 6 foot 4 with silver hair and striking blue eyes. “Tate.” He stopped next to my mother and held his hand out. “Good to see you son.”

“You too, dad.”

“So where’s your lady friend?” My mom asked as she looked around. Her eyes swept past Jane and back to me. I noticed my dad Copyright 2016 - 2024