To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,57

“Maybe we’ll have time to go to Hilton Head Island, though I doubt it.”

“We’re gone for three days, right?”

“Yes. That’s still okay?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. I just need to tell my brother. He’s going to come up next week and we’re going to drive back to LA together so I can visit my parents.”

“How are you getting back?” He frowned.

“I’m going to catch a plane. Thank you Southwest and your $59 ticket.” I grinned. “Can’t beat $59.”

“No, no, that’s true.” He said. “How long will you be in LA?”

“Three days. I’ll be back on the Monday. My parents are going to throw a party for some friends and families.” I grinned. “Mexicans love an excuse to play some music and party.”

“It sounds fun.”

“You can come if you want.” I threw that out before I even realized what I was saying. “Sorry, that was just a joke.” My face got hot. He was really going to think I wanted him now. “Let me find that file, and I’ll meet you in your office.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Jane.”

“No worries.” I picked up a random file just so that I could turn away from him. Why had I said that? What had I been thinking? He was going to think that I thought we were something we weren’t. Was that why he’d been so distant?

Tate seemed to get the hint and walked away. I buried my face in my hands and smothered a groan as he left the room.

I was such an idiot.

Chapter 15


“Keep running, Jane.” I shouted behind me as we made our way to security. I’d been an idiot for suggesting we hit the gym before we went to the airport. I knew the traffic to the airport was crazy early in the morning and now we were close to missing our flight. And we hadn’t even had a good workout. Jane had been tired and I’d been tense thinking about the upcoming trip. “Faster, or we’re going to miss our flight.”

“I’m trying to run as fast as I can.” She groaned, pulling her small suitcase behind her. I stopped to wait for her and when she caught up with me, I grabbed her suitcase from her.

“I’ll pull it. Just concentrate on running, okay?”

“Okay.” She said and ran ahead of me. I watched her long black hair swaying down her back as she ran in her tight blue jeans and I started running again behind her, pulling her bag with my own. We made it to the security line in a couple of minutes and I grinned at her as we walked through the priority line because I’d gotten us Business Class tickets for the flight.

“This is the first time I’ve ever flown anything other than economy.” Jane stood next to me in the line, her cheeks flushed. “I’m excited for the free champagne.”

“Oh yeah? I think you’re going to enjoy it.” I laughed. Business class was par for the course for me, but I was glad I was helping her to experience something new. The TSA agent called her forward and she showed him her ticket and driver's license and then he nodded her through. I walked up to him and handed him my license. The man scrutinized my license and then my face and nodded me through as well. We took off our shoes and waited to go through the screening. “If we’d gotten here earlier, we could have gone into the lounge.”

“Aw, that would have been nice.” She nodded.

“Next time.” I said. And it occurred to me that I’d said that as if I thought we’d be flying somewhere else together.

“Shall we get a bagel or something?” I asked her as we exited the screening and headed towards our gate.

“Yeah, I’m starving. I would love a bagel with cream cheese and lox. Oh and a coffee.” She yawned. “If I don’t have a coffee, I’m absolutely going to fall asleep within minutes.”

“Well we don’t want that to happen, do we? Let’s go and get you some coffee.” We headed towards a little deli and as my stomach grumbled, I realized that I was quite hungry as well. As Jane studied the menu, I couldn’t stop myself from observing her profile. She had a mole on her cheek that I’d never noticed before. How had I never noticed it? She also had a really long neck. She looked beautiful standing there, her long hair still slightly damp from the shower she’d had after we’d worked out. I’d been on my best Copyright 2016 - 2024