To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,55

water I’d grabbed from the kitchen. “I think I’ll write my own letter as well, anonymously, and just slip it in his bag on Friday morning. We’re going to the gym before the airport, so it should be easy.

“Wow, that man doesn’t like to miss a day at the gym, does he?” Olivia looked slightly impressed. “That’s dedication for you.”

“Yeah, and oh, shit, I forgot to tell you guys something I found out. You can not tell anyone.”

“Oh, what is it?”

“You guys promise not to tell?”

“Yes,” they all chorused, looking eagerly at me. I felt a little bit guilty betraying a confidence, but as cocky as Tate was, I was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind.

“Okay, so Tate revealed one of his fantasies to me, and I think he was trying to see if I would be interested in it as well.”

“Oh, wow, what’s the fantasy?” Millie asked. “Let me guess. A threesome?”

“No, but pretty close.” I leaned in and lowered my voice. “Tate wants to have public sex at a sex club, and I’m pretty sure he wants some level of interaction with other people.”

“No fucking way!” Magnolia’s jaw dropped. “What?”

“Yeah, he told me when we were sharing things about ourselves.”

“Would you ever do that?” Millie asked curiously. “Okay, everyone raise your hand if you would go. One, two, three.”

Millie raised her hand. The rest of us stared at her.

“What? I’m the only one that would go?” She shook her head and laughed. “Guys, life is for the living, you have to have fun.”

“Yeah, I guess. It just seems really intimidating, plus I wouldn’t want to see him with anyone else. Just thinking about him with someone else drives me crazy.”

“We should all go,” Millie said. “For a girl’s night out. Just us girls.”

“Jagger would never let me go.” Magnolia laughed. “I think he’d kill me if I even suggested it.”

“He’s such a party pooper.” Millie wrinkled her nose. “What about the rest of you? We’re all single.”

“I don’t think so, Millie.” I shook my head. “It seems a bit extreme for me. I don’t want people watching me being intimate with my man, and I also wouldn’t want people just coming up to touch me.”

“They would have to get consent, Jane.” Millie must have researched this. “They wouldn’t just be grabbing your boobs.”

“I don’t know. It still seems weird.”

“Spoilsports.” Millie was about to say something else, but she cut off at the sound of Tate walking towards the office.

“Shit, Tate’s back.” I jumped up and pushed my phone into my pocket. “Everyone back to their seats and not a word about anything I’ve just said.” I hurried out of the door and headed back to my seat.

“Hello, Jane.” Tate’s eyes sparkled as he walked past me.

“Hello, Tate,” I replied with a small nod and kept walking. I made it to my desk and sat down. I wasn’t sure why Tate wasn’t flirting with me anymore. Or why he had said virtually nothing to me all week. I missed our sparring. I missed our chats. Had he frozen me out because I wasn’t interested in going to a sex club with him to have an orgy?

I pulled my notepad out and grabbed a pen. If he wanted to be a douchebag and think he was as hot as hell, I’d respond with a letter putting him in his place. Who the hell did he think he was?

“You okay?” Magnolia stopped by my desk with a concerned face. “You’ve been muttering under your breath for the last few minutes.”

“I’m just mad at Tate.” I waved the notepad at her. “I’m thinking about what to write.”

“So why don’t you write what you’re really thinking?”

“Because he’ll know it’s me.”

“What if you write a letter saying everything you want to say to just get it all out ,and then you can write your other note, from the anonymous writer?”

“That seems like a lot of work.”

“Trust me, it will make you feel better.” She grinned. “Once you get it all off of your chest, you will feel lighter, even if he doesn’t know that it’s from you.”

“I guess so.” I nodded. “Maybe I will do that. And then I’ll write my normal note.”

“Yeah, you can do it either way around. Whichever one makes you feel better.” Her phone beeped and she grabbed it. “Oh, it’s Jagger, I have to get this. Talk later? And ask if you have any questions.”

“Will do! Thanks, Magnolia, you’re the best.”

“I’m really not, but I try.” She smiled and walked Copyright 2016 - 2024