To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,54

Sure enough, there was a note. I took a quick photo, put it back into the pocket, and hurried back to my desk.

To my Secret Not-Admirer,

Why don’t you just come out and say it? You want this dick. You want it so bad that I bet you can’t even sleep at night without images of it popping into you mind. How badly do you want it, though? Badly enough to tell me who you are? Badly enough to have a threesome or even a foursome with me? I’m a popular guy. You’re not the only girl that wants to suck on my lollipop. So why don’t you stop playing games and get it out in the open. If you’re pretty enough, I’ll give you a fuck. If you’re beautiful, I’ll buy you dinner as well. I can’t be anymore generous than that, right?

The one, the only, Tate Howard.

I read his note ten times in a row before I texted the girls to meet me in the kitchen. Was Tate really this arrogant? I couldn’t believe that he’d offered to have sex with an unknown person. How could he do that? Did he have literally no standards?

“Girls, you’re not going to believe the note Tate left for his anonymous note writer.” I held up my phone as we all huddled around the back table.

“Let me guess, let me guess,” Millie said excitedly. “He said that he loves you and wants to marry you!”

“Millie are you on crack?” I shook my head at her guess. “This is Tate we’re talking about. The only person he loves is himself.”

“And his sister Rose,” Magnolia added. “He wouldn’t be going home if he didn’t love her, right?”

“Yeah, I guess he loves his family,” I agreed. “Which I have no idea why I agreed to go home with him. Before I show you this note, I need one of you to strangle me.”

“It’ll be fun,” Olivia said. “I wish I had a long weekend to look forward to.”

“I’m not exactly going for fun,” I reminded her. “I’m going to stop his mean mom from trying to hook him up.”

“I bet she’s not even that bad.” Birdy rolled her eyes. “Everyone’s mom tries to hook them up.”

“I guess I’ll see.” I made a face. “His parents sound horrendous, but that does not give him an excuse to write such a cocky, out-of-order note.” I handed them my phone with the photograph and watched as they all took a turn reading it. Magnolia smirked, Millie laughed out loud, Olivia fanned herself, and Birdy just sat there looking shocked. “See, guys? Isn’t this crazy?”

“It’s crazy hot.” Millie grabbed a cookie. “He must be dynamite in bed. He’s always so sure of himself.”

“He’s a cocky bastard.”

Olivia let out an admiring whistle. “I love cocky bastards. Cocky bastards know how to flip you around in the bed like you’re a doll. I need a man to flip me around.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a little spanking myself,” Millie added. “I’m a naughty girl.”

We all burst out laughing but I quickly shushed everyone.

“Guys, be quiet or Tate is going to walk in here and tell us off.”

“He can tell me off.” Millie stood up and bent over the table. “Punish me like the bad girl I am, big boy.”

“Millie!” I grinned at her as she stood up straight again, her face flushed. “You’re a mess, you know that right?”

“Eh.” She laughed. “Sometimes it’s nice to be a mess. And what’s this I hear? Your brother is coming to town?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Magnolia told me you showed her a photo, and he looks like Gael Garcia Bernal.” She licked her lips. “I’d love to meet him.”

“Oh,” I shrugged, “everyone will get to meet him, but here’s a warning: he’s a huge player.” I rolled my eyes. “He’s not serious about anything except his baseball career and getting laid. Don’t even waste time flirting with him, he’s broken more hearts than Leonardo DiCaprio has.”

“Nothing wrong with an innocent flirt.” Millie grinned. “When’s he coming?”

“I’m not sure exactly. I have to call him.” I held up my phone again. “So what do you guys think I should do about this note? How should I respond?”

“You should tell him it’s you.” Magnolia’s voice was firm. “Knock him off his feet.”

“No way, José.” I laughed. “I’m not telling him it’s me.”

“What if I draft a letter for you?” Magnolia looked excited. “And if you like it, you can give it to him.”

“That’s okay.” I took a sip of the coconut Copyright 2016 - 2024