To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,5

the same with him.”

“Oh, no.” Birdy pulled off a bit of cheese pupusa. “What did you say?”

“I told him it would be a cold day in hell before I kissed him.” Millie laughed. “And then this douchebag looked down at his pants and said, and I quote, ‘Well I don’t particularly care about kissing you, but if you want to suck on my lollipop, I wouldn’t say no.’”

“No way!” I exclaimed as I walked to the counter to make my own cup of coffee. “He called his cock a lollipop?”

“Yup.” Millie giggled. “So then I said, sorry, I only like sweet, not sour, and walked away.”

“You did not say that!” I grabbed the milk and poured a little bit in my cup. “What did he say next?”

“No idea.” Millie shook her curls. “By the time he figured out what to say in response I was dancing with another guy.”

“And when Millie says dancing, she means bumping and grinding.” Olivia grinned. “And then five minutes later, we left and went to another bar.”

“With the guys?” Magnolia asked as she finally put her coffee cup down.

“Hell no.” Olivia shook her head. “We went by ourselves and looked for some new guys to flirt with.”

“I have to come with you guys. My love life is nonexistent.”

“Yes! Let’s make it a girls’ night.” Millie looked excited. “Tonight?”

“I can’t.” Magnolia shook her head. “I’m going to a pottery class with Jagger.” Magnolia and Jagger had recently gotten engaged and seemed to be spending every spare second together. I was disappointed that she seemed to only have time for him now but was hopeful that once the honeymoon phase was over, she’d be back and hanging out with us girls again.

“Boring.” Olivia turned to me. “Jane?”

“Well, I don’t know.”

“Come on,” Millie said. “It will be fun.”

“If you go, I’ll go,” Birdy said with a shy smile. “I wouldn’t mind meeting a new guy as well.”

“Okay.” I grinned and then looked at Magnolia. “If you come tonight as well, I’ll let you in on a big secret. Well, I’ll let everyone in it.”

“A big secret?” Magnolia stared at me. “What’s the secret?”

“You’ll only know if you come.” I paused and then grinned wickedly. “I’ll also tell everyone what happened on my first day of work.”

“Oh, whoa.” Magnolia sat back in her chair. “You mean between you and Tate?”

“My lips are sealed until later.”

“Ugh, okay, okay, you got me.” Magnolia grabbed her phone. “Let me text Jagger and see if he minds changing plans.”

“Smart girl.” I winked at her. “My news is juicy.”

“How juicy?”

“Let’s just say that you’re not the only one that knows how to write a note or two.”

“No!” Magnolia’s jaw dropped. I shrugged casually in response as I stood up and walked back over to the coffee pot to refill my cup. “You wrote a note to Tate?”

Millie let out a low whistle. “Oh my God, if I wasn’t coming tonight then I definitely am now.”

“Well, you organized it, so I sure hope so.” Olivia laughed, though I could tell from her expression that she was also curious about what I’d done. “Let’s all get really dressed up and have an upscale night on the town.”

“Upscale?” Birdy looked nervous. “I don’t have any ball gowns.”

“I swear Birdy, you’re a real blonde.” Millie rolled her eyes. “You’re not going to a debutante ball. We’re going to dinner and then to Booty to get some booty.”

“Booty?” Birdy asked, looking confused.

“The dance club,” Magnolia chimed in. “It’s famous in SF, you’ve never heard of it?”

“No.” Birdy shook her head. “Though I know a lot about clubs. My friends and I would go to Orlando all the time and sometimes Miami to get our groove on.”

“So then you can teach us a step or two.” Millie looked pleased with herself. “This is going to be a lot of fun.”

“What’s going to be a lot of fun?” said a deep voice. I felt the hairs on the back on my neck going up. Tate had made it to work.

“Nothing,” I said quickly as I turned around to look at him, his blue eyes twinkling with that amused expression that always made me think he was laughing at me.

“Nothing?” His lips twisted up as his words sounded doubtful. “Didn’t sound like nothing to me.”

I glared at him, wishing I knew a way to take the smirk off of his cocky face. It was unfair that he was so handsome with his golden blonde hair and summer-tanned skin. At six foot two, Copyright 2016 - 2024