To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,43

over to Jagger. “Did you order those shots yet?” He looked around the table. “Here’s to the first official night out for the 800 Club crew!”

“Here, here!” Millie lifted up an imaginary glass.

We all laughed, but I wondered why he’d changed the subject so quickly. Were his parents really that bad?

“Fourteen shots of tequila will be right up.” Jagger grinned. “Do you guys want anything else?”

“Fourteen shots?” My eyebrows shot up. “Say what?

“That’s only two apiece, Jane.” Tate chuckled. “You can handle two.”

“Two shots of tequila are nothing to me!” I laughed. “Tequila runs in my veins.’’ I joked but I wasn’t telling the whole story. Tequila went straight to my head. I always did stupid things when tequila was involved, and tonight I really didn’t want to do anything stupid.

“So you like to drink what’s in your veins, do you?” He laughed. “Are you telling me you’re like a vampire? You like to drink blood?”


“Sorry.” He shook his head. “That was meant to be a funny joke but it totally bombed.”

“Yeah, it did.” I laughed as well. Our eyes met, and for a few seconds, it felt like there was no one else in the room aside from us.

“Hey, sorry about just now.” I nudged his shoulder with mine. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable talking about your family.”

“You didn’t!” he said quickly, but I didn’t believe him. “But thanks for being concerned. You can make it up to me if you want.” He looked down towards his crotch, and I just shook my head.

“You’re incorrigible, Tate,” I sighed.” Can you ever be serious?”

“Who wants to live life in a serious bubble?” He grabbed my hand and squeezed my fingers before I pushed him away. “Sometimes you just want to have fun.”

“Life isn’t always about having fun.”

“But the best parts are,” he said with a grin, and I didn’t have time to respond because that was when the shots arrived.

“I’m so glad we left and came back!” Millie danced around me on the dance floor. “This place is lit!”

“Yeah, it’s packed!” I shouted back to her so that she could hear me over the loud music. I surveyed the room full of dancing couples, my eyes landing on the DJ on a small stage to the right, flashing lights all around him.

“This is amazing!” Olivia was dancing with glow sticks that she’d found on the ground. “This club reminds me of a place I used to go to during my college years.”

“I can’t imagine you partying in college.” I raised my hands on the air in time with the beat from the David Guetta song that was playing. “You seem like you were too much of a nerd.”

She knew I was teasing and she laughed. “Nerds can have fun as well, girl.”

“This is so much fun!” Birdy started dancing behind Millie, her face aglow with alcohol.

“I’m having a good time as well.” I looked over to see that Tate and Jagger were still talking. Magnolia was standing next to Jagger, holding his hand and swinging her hips back and forth.

“This won’t do?” I shook my head and danced over to them. “What’s going on guys?’’ I danced next to Magnolia. “No office talk tonight, you can discuss work tomorrow.”

“Tate’s just trying to distract me so that he doesn’t have to dance.” Jagger laughed. “But alas, Tate, my woman wants to dance, so I have to bid you adieu.” And with that Jagger was pulling Magnolia onto the dance floor with him.

“So I guess it’s just you and me.” Tate took a step towards me and then a step back and made a show of checking me out. “If I haven’t already told you tonight, you look hot.”

“Well, thanks.” I smiled. “You don’t look that bad yourself.”

“Red really suits you.” His eyes ran up and down my body and I could feel my nipples tingling under his gaze. “You look good enough to eat.”

“Do you want to dance, Tate?”

The way he was staring at me was making me slightly uncomfortable. I was feeling hot and buzzed and he was tempting me to do something really naughty to him. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t want to do it in front of my co-workers.

“Sure, let’s dance.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the other side of the dance floor away from the girls.

“Why did you bring us over here?”

“Because I didn’t want them to see the way we danced together and start to get any Copyright 2016 - 2024