To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,37

in my ear, sounding pleased. I jumped up off of his lap at the same time that Blondie screeched.

“What the fuck is going on here?“

I quickly pulled down my sports bra and pulled up my panties. I ran to the door, flung it open, and hurried to the ladies changing room. Despite being as turned on as I was, I needed to get out of there.

Once I was in the ladies’ locker room, I stopped to catch my breath and stared at my reflection in the mirror. “What the hell just happened, Jane?”

My cheeks were flushed red and my skin was tingling. What had I just let Tate do to me? Oh my gosh, it had felt so good and so bad at the same time. I’d forgotten I was mad at him. I’d forgotten he was an asshole. I’d forgotten everything aside from how good he’d been making me feel. Fuck! I’d nearly lost my virginity to him in a steam room with another person present. Had I lost my mind? I opened my locker, grabbed my work clothes, and dressed as quickly as I could. I didn’t care about my workout clothes or a shower right now. I just needed to get out of there and go home. I needed some space to think about what had just happened and what I should do next.

Chapter 11


My balls were sky blue as I made my way home from the gym. I was so hard and horny that if I didn’t bust out one when I got home, I didn’t know if I would survive. I’d pushed my luck in the steam room, cursing loudly when Jane had run out. I didn’t know what I’d been thinking when I’d released the dragon from the cage. Well, that was a lie; I knew exactly what I’d been thinking. I’d wanted to replace my fingers with my cock in Jane’s tight pussy. Man, she’d been horny for me. The way she’d squirmed in my lap when I’d played with her had made me harder than granite. It had been such a turn on; I’d been positive she’d been doing it on purpose to see how crazy she could drive me. But then stupid Francesca had kept on talking, and I had kept responding like a dumb ass.

Fuck, the whole situation had been so hot, though: the way Jane had slid onto my lap, the way her breasts had felt in my palms, so slick and plump. The way she’d reacted when I’d blown in her ear and squeezed her neck for one second too long. Jane seemed like a woman who could handle my kink but then I’d completely blown it—and not inside of her. What the hell had I been thinking, talking about the pill and condoms?

“Way to ruin the fucking moment, Howard,” I grunted as I let myself into my apartment. Jane had been nowhere to be seen after I’d left the steam room. Granted, I hadn’t left right away. I’d been too stunned to react at first. As soon as Jane had left, Francesca had walked over to me and grabbed my cock, but after a few seconds of her tugging me too roughly and me going soft, I’d asked her to get away from me. If the way she gave hand jobs was any indication, she’d greatly overestimated her sexual skills.

She wasn’t the one I wanted anyway.

I dumped my gym bag on the ground next to my couch in the living room and then headed to the kitchen for a Gatorade and a granola bar. I was hungry but I knew we were all grabbing dinner later, and I didn’t want to ruin my appetite. As I took my drink out of the fridge, I wondered if Jane would cancel on the evening and make some excuse so that she could stay home. I felt a pang of regret at the thought. I wanted her to come tonight. I needed her to come. I loved Jagger, but a night of hanging out with him, Magnolia, Millie, Birdy, and Olivia without Jane sounded horrendous.

“Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it,’’ I muttered as I walked back to the living room and took a seat on the couch. Should I call her? I pulled out my phone but stopped myself from calling her. What would I say? Hey, sorry for almost banging you in the steam room raw, but I hope you still come tonight so I have another chance at Copyright 2016 - 2024