To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,25

really want to know?” I winked at her. “Don’t we have enough to argue about without bringing politics into it?”

“I’m a Democrat,” she said with a shrug. “I have no problem telling you that.”

“Look, this is all I have to say on the matter: I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that in each election I vote for the candidate I think is best.”

“Okaaaay.” She ran her hands through her hair and then asked. “So your dad is not happy with the match?”

“No.” I laughed. “But she’ll still be able to marry him. I’m the one that has to make the suitable marriage.” I rolled my eyes.

She looked confused. “Didn’t you say that you never want to get married?”

“My parents still hope that I’ll marry some nice Southern girl from below the Mason-Dixon line.”

“So they’re really old-school, huh?”

“You could say that.” My parents were so old-school that they still talked about the good ol’ days back in the Antebellum South. I had a feeling that Jane wouldn’t want to hear that. In fact, it made me slightly embarrassed to admit how stuck in the old days my parents were. I loved them and I knew they loved me, but they had ideas and thoughts that should never leave their mouths. We’d had shouting matches on more than one occasion, and it was because of them that I’d left the South. I’d wanted to be around a more diverse, ethnically and financially, group of people. Admittedly attending Harvard for undergrad and Columbia for my MBA hadn’t exactly widened my social circles a whole bunch, but I had gotten to experience a life outside of debutante balls and afternoon teas.

“I’m lucky in that my parents are open to me dating whoever I want.” She made a face. “Well, now they are. Before they didn’t want me dating anyone. Now they’re asking for grandkids.”

“Wow.” I shuddered. “Kids, yikes.” Though as I stared at her face, I could picture her kids. They would be cute. They’d have an attitude but I was positive they would be cute.

“Yeah. I’m like Mom, Dad, hold ya brakes.” She giggled. “Let me get laid with a hundred different guys first and then I’ll settle down.”

“You want to bang a hundred men?” I was surprised by her revelation. Jane hadn’t struck me as that sort of woman, but then she surprised me frequently.

“No, I don't want to bang a hundred men.” She shook her head and sighed. “I was just joking around.”

“I know, Jane.” I grinned at her. “You don’t have to be so exasperated with me all the time. I can joke around as well. I’m not just some very hot, very rich douchebag.”

“Well, one of those words is correct.”


“Try again.”

“Very rich.”


“Best looking man you’ve ever met?”

“That wasn’t in your original sentence.”

“But you admit that it’s true.” We stopped at the traffic lights on Market Street. “It’s been nice getting to know you,” I told her. “I feel like I really know you now.”

“I didn’t tell you that much.” She sounded a little defensive, and I laughed.

“True, I’d love to know more.”

“Do you really want to know more about me or do you want to see more of me?” She raised an eyebrow. “And I don’t mean see me in the office.”

“Are you offering to take your bra off and flash me?” I smiled hopefully. “Because if so, the answer is yes, please. A hundred times over, yes.” As I joked with her, I also realized that I was curious to know more about her. What did she do for fun? Had she ever had a serious boyfriend? Was she dating anyone now? Did she ever think of me when she played with herself?

“What do you think, Tate?” She rolled her eyes and then started walking. “The light is green.”

“Sorry, I was distracted by the beauty of your eyes.”

She reached over and hit me in the shoulder, and I laughed. “What was that for?” I asked her.

“Oops, sorry, I was distracted by your bullshit,” she said and that made me laugh even harder. “Okay, Ross is just on the next block. Do you want me to meet you at the gym?”

“No, that’s okay. I can wait for you to get your stuff.” I wanted to tell her that I wanted to watch her change; suddenly images of her in a changing room stripping down to her bra and panties filled my mind. Fuck! I wanted to see her naked so badly.

“Okay, if you’re Copyright 2016 - 2024