To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,2

muttered the words “get on the ground and suck my cock,” let alone if I whipped it out in front of her. Unfortunately for me, I had to keep my mouth closed and my cock in my pants … but that didn’t stop me from having wicked thoughts.

“Hey, there, handsome.” A silky voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked over to see the blonde from the bike in front of me.

“Hey.” I reached forward to press some buttons and lower the speed of the machine.

“Working out hard?” She played with her hair and smiled at me, her blue eyes devouring my sweaty muscles with eagerness.

“Or hardly working,” I said with a conceited smile.

“Funny.” She laughed, throwing her head back and chest forward so that I could examine her certainly large breasts.

“Okay.” I nodded.

“So, I notice you come here a lot.”

“I do.”

“So do I.”

“I guess that’s good for the gym.”

She looked put-off by my response, but I wasn’t happy about having my workout interrupted.

“I bet I can think of another way to work off some calories.” She licked her lips, her long tongue moving quickly back and forth.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” She winked and slipped a finger into her mouth and started sucking. “Have you been into the steam room yet today?”


“Want to go?” She pulled her finger out of her mouth and I watched as she ran her hands down her breasts and squeezed them for a few seconds. “I know I could make it worth your time.”

“No, thanks.” I shook my head. “Too many germs in there.”

She looked taken aback by my words and her face looked confused as she stood there. “I meant we can go there and have some fun. Maybe I’ll give you a blowjob and you can titty fuck me?” She smiled again then, certain that her explicit words would do the trick.

“Like I said, too many germs.” I shook my head and leaned forward to increase the pace on the treadmill again. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a workout to finish.”

She stared at me, her eyes wide with annoyance, as I started running faster on the machine. I knew that I’d been rude, but what had she expected? I mean, I liked easy, uncomplicated fun, but I didn’t like easy women. A little chase made the final kill a lot more worth it. I didn’t need the food—or rather, the lay—to drop at my feet What fun was that?

“Well, it was nice chatting,” she said finally as she started to walk away from me.

“All right, Plastic Titties,” I said under my breath and chuckled. I wanted to call after her and tell her that I wasn’t a silicon man. I liked big breasts, but I also liked them to jiggle. Her tits had been as solid as rocks as she’d squeezed them. No thanks! I thought to myself. She wasn’t worth the ten minutes in the steam room when I could wax one out in the shower in five without looking at her face. I wondered if my anonymous not-admirer was a member of the plastic brigade or not.


Plastic Titties might be my secret non-admirer. The note had been left in my gym bag, after all. But then, why would she come up to me all flirtatious-like if she had left me the note? The person who had left me the note obviously didn’t like me very much. Or maybe they liked me too much. Maybe they wanted to suck on my balls but didn’t know how to tell me.

I laughed out loud as I finished the last five minutes of my run. I was pretty sure the only thing they wanted to do with my balls was put them in a blender.

Hot water streamed down my face as I stood in the communal showers, torso forward. I knew that some guys were self-conscious bathing in front of others, usually the guys who weren’t very well endowed. I didn’t have that problem. I was well-endowed with a trim, muscular body that women admired.

I soaped up my chest and washed my hair, letting the hot water take the tension out of my shoulders. My plans for the night were now out the window because fucking Magnolia Allen wanted to take a pottery class. I didn’t know who I was more pissed at, Magnolia for her boring idea or Jagger for agreeing to it and blowing off our weekly Friday night plans. Granted, he hadn’t been in San Francisco for that long, but when we’d lived in Copyright 2016 - 2024