To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,17


“Not joking.” He licked his lips. “More like hoping.”

“Hoping for what?”

“For you to ride me for real.” He winked at me. “What do you say?”

“What do I say?” I jumped up and hurried over to get my blazer. “Look, sorry, I made a mistake. Let’s just forget this happened.”

“You’re not a stripper?” He looked disappointed. “I can pay extra.”

“No, I’m not a stripper, and what do you mean, you can pay extra?”

“You know what I mean, sucky suck five dollar?”

I blinked at him. “Excuse me, Norse, I think you have the wrong idea.”


“Let’s just wait for Mr. Howard to get here and pretend this didn’t happen.”

“Mr. Howard? You’re keeping the charade up?”

“What charade?”

“I’m Tate, Jane.” He stood up straight. “I’m your new boss.”

“Wait, what?” I held my hand up in the air, my heart racing and my mind spinning. “What do you mean you’re Tate Howard? You told me your name was Norse.”

“I was just playing around with you.” He shrugged. “I thought you knew that.”

“Why the hell would you think I knew that?”

“Look, I thought you were a stripper sent by my friend. You’re not meant to start until tomorrow. Didn’t you read your job offer carefully?”

“I did.” I glared at him and pulled my phone out. “Let me pull the email up to show you.” I searched through my emails and then opened it up. I read through it quickly and then my heart stopped. The email stated the office would be opening on Monday, but my first official day wouldn’t be until Tuesday, which was when everyone would be starting.

How had I missed that?

“I’m waiting?” He grinned. “Wait, don’t tell me, you failed reading comprehension?”

“Excuse me, I’m just fine at reading comprehension.”

“So let me see the email, then.” He chuckled. “If there is even an email.”

“I misunderstood what it said.” I paused, hating the look of satisfaction on his face. “But you shouldn’t have pretended to be someone else.”

“I misunderstood.” He shrugged. “We all make mistakes.” He looked at my legs. “Though I wouldn’t call those legs a mistake or the way you shook your ass on my co—”

“Stop.” I interrupted him, my face red. Oh my God, had I really attempted to give my new boss a lap dance? I wanted to die of mortification.

“Oh, did you want to finish it off, or should I say, me?”

“You’re a pig.”

“I’d say I’m more like a horse.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You know the saying hung like a horse?”

“Oh, my God,” Magnolia was giggling as she stared at me with a shocked expression. “He didn't say that.”

“Yes, he did.” I shuddered. “Now you can see why I can’t stand him.”

“Uh, yeah. Wow.” She stared at me for a few seconds and then continued. “Dare I ask what happened next?”

“I left the office a few minutes later and said I’d be back the next day.” I shrugged. “We haven’t spoken about it since, though he’ll sometimes make innuendos.”

“Wow.” Magnolia looked thoughtful. “I had no idea. So you really thought he was hot, huh?”

“Girl,” I shook my head and groaned. “Honestly, yes, I thought he was hot, but then he would say things that would make me think, who is this douchebag?” I sighed. “And that was before I even knew he was my boss.”

“Yeah, he’s really full of himself. I thought Jagger was cocky, but Tate sounds like he’s got him beat.”

“Yeah, so now when I see him, I alternate between wanting to slap him and wanting to kiss him,” I admitted.

“Can I ask you a question?” Magnolia pursed her lips. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Did you guys kiss or have sex or anything?”

“What?” My eyes widened as I stared at her. “No, haha, no way. I’m not a hoe.”

“I just wanted to ask.” She laughed. “And you think kissing is worse than a quasi lap dance?”

“Okay, maybe I’m a wannabe hoe.” I shuddered but laughed at the same time. “To be clear, I wasn’t totally grinding on him. I was more like brushing my ass against it.”

“You’re such a tease, no wonder he’s so moody!”

“He’s so moody because he thinks he’s God’s gift to women and can get whoever he wants.”

“Did you leave him another note yet?”

“No.” I shook my head. “If I left it right away, he would definitely know it’s me.”

“You don’t think he knows it’s you already?” She made a face. “I mean, how many places can he leave his bag?”

“Well, in the office and I guess Copyright 2016 - 2024