To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,12

got here,” I protested.

“So?” She smiled sweetly again. “Adios.”

“Adios, mamacita.” I gave her a little wave and then under my breath I said. “Te veré más tarde sexy, solo espero que la próxima vez será en mi cama.”

She paused at the door, her mouth open, and glared at me. “What the hell did you just say?”

“Adios?” I stared at her blankly as if I hadn’t just told her that I would see her later and hopefully it would be in my bed.

“What did you say after that?” Her eyes narrowed. “En mi cama?”

“Sorry, I don’t know much Spanish. What does that mean?”

“In my bed.”

“You want me in your bed?” I looked shocked. “That’s a bit forward, Miss Garcia. Even for you.”

“What?” She blinked and looked confused for a second. “I didn’t say that I want you in my bed, you said you want me in your bed.”

“I did?” I tilted my head to the side and smiled. “To be fair, it doesn’t need to be in bed. On the desk, on the beach, or even in the grocery store would work well for me.”

“In the grocery store? You’re a pig.” She shook her head. “Really, Tate?”

“Yes, I don’t mind where you find yourself doing your work as long as you’re doing it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“What are you talking about?” I raised an eyebrow and suppressed the laughter that was threatening to blow my dumb act.

“You know what, whatever.” She huffed and turned around again. “Asshole,” she muttered under her breath, and this time I did laugh.

“I heard that.”

“Good,” she snapped and kept walking.

As soon as she was out of sight, I went to the door and grabbed my gym bag to see if the note was still there. I was almost positive that Jane was my secret not-admirer. There just weren’t that many women who hated me enough and had access to my gym bag for it to be anyone else. I opened the side pocket and frowned as I saw that the note I’d left earlier was still there. Hmm. I stood there for a few seconds and then zipped the pocket back up. Either Jane wasn’t my note writer or she hadn’t accessed my bag yet today. I stood by the door thoughtfully, trying to ignore the twitching in my pants. I then casually walked to her desk and looked to see if she had any notes about me on it.

There was nothing.

“Idiot,” I muttered to myself. “What did you think you were going to see? A note to Mr. Tate Howard?”

“Sorry, what did you say, Tate?” Millie suddenly popped up beside me and I froze. What had she heard and seen?

“Nothing, why?” I frowned at her, trying to convey that I didn’t like to be disturbed.

“Oh, I saw you come into our area and thought you had a question.” Millie smiled, her bright blue eyes shining. She shrugged her shoulders and her red curls bounced. I stared at them for a few seconds and then shook my head. I wondered if Millie was a natural redhead or if she dyed her hair. Which of course led me to wonder if the carpet matched the drapes—not that I would ever ask her. I wasn’t worried Millie would be upset. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Millie seemed the sort who’d take me into the bathroom, pull down her panties, and show me just how red she was in her jungle.

Not that I thought she wanted me; I didn’t get any flirtation vibes from her. There were times that I caught her checking me out, but that was standard. Women loved to check me out. I couldn’t help it that I was born handsome, and thanks to my gym membership, I had a body full of muscles, which women also seemed to love. All but one. Well, maybe two. Magnolia didn’t have eyes for me that I could tell, and Jane seemed oblivious to my charms. She never laughed at my jokes and she always had an attitude. I had a feeling it had been too long since she’d had sex. I’d definitely be willing to fix that problem for her if she wanted—and if she agreed not to get attached.

“Uhm, Tate …” Millie looked nervous as she stood there.

“Yes, Millie?”

“I, uhm, just asked you three times if, uh, we were going to have a meeting today?” She suddenly looked nervous. “I’m not in any trouble, am I?”

“Why would you be in trouble?” I muttered then I Copyright 2016 - 2024