To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors #2) - J. S. Cooper Page 0,11

spending a million dollars off the bat, Tate.” She walked into the office, her brows furrowed. “If you looked at the plan, we’re just starting with a local TV ad and some postcard mailings. It will set us back about fifty grand.” She stopped in front of my desk. “I do have everything pretty much ready if you’d like to see what I’ve come up with before tomorrow.”

“What I’d like is to see you naked,” I said under my breath.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

I noticed that she had misbuttoned her top. My fingers ached to reach up and unbutton her shirt and redo it for her, not because I cared that they were in the right holes but because I wanted to see her bra. Fuck, but she was sexy. She was wearing a deep red lipstick today and her pouty lips looked good enough to suck.

“I said tomorrow is fine, as long as you have everything ready. Jagger and I have invested a lot in this company and we’ve put a lot of trust in you and your ideas.”

“Yes, thank you, sir.”

“You’re only a recent college grad, so this is really a big opportunity. You don’t want to let us down.”

“Of course not, sir. I think I’d rather die than let you down.” She sounded so sincere, but I could tell from the look on her pretty little face that she was being sarcastic. I wondered how sarcastic she would be if I slipped my finger up her skirt.

“No need to be so dramatic, Jane.” I pretended to believe her. “If you let me down, you don’t have to die, you can just ride me.”

“Sorry, what did you say?” Her eyes narrowed. “Your voice drifted off after you said I don’t have to die?”

“Do you have a hearing problem, Jane?” I stood up suddenly and walked around the table so that I was standing next to her.

“No.” She looked up at me, her brown eyes wary.

Was she hoping for me to touch her just as badly as I was wanting to touch her? I’d love to bend her forward over the desk and pull her skirt up.

“What are you doing, Tate?”

“Just a second ago I was sir, now I’m Tate.”

“Sorry, Mr. Howard. Is that better?” She blinked her innocent brown eyes and she smiled sweetly, but I felt like I was being pricked all over by invisible daggers. I had a feeling that she knew that she was getting under my skin.

“What do you think?” I crossed my arms and stared at her. She was wearing a short black skirt and a pretty blue blouse today. I looked down to her legs and admired at her long, lithe calves. She had a fit little body, not exactly muscular but round in all the right places. I was already looking forward to her leaving the office. Her ass was round and juicy and just aching to be squeezed.

She shrugged. “I don’t know what you prefer.”

“Do you care what I prefer?” I arched an eyebrow at her and her lips thinned. “Some men say they prefer doggy style, but I have to admit I prefer a woman on top, call me old fashioned.”

“Excuse me?” Her cheeks flushed pink.

I gave her my most innocent look. “Oh, sorry, I thought you were asking me what sexual positions I prefer.”

“Why would you think that?” Her eyes narrowed as she stared at me.

“Usually that’s the question women are asking me when they ask what I prefer.”

“Uh huh.” She couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes, and I almost laughed.

“Just call me Tate. I’ve told you that before.”

“Yes, sir … I mean, Tate.”

“You can call me Big Daddy if you want.” I licked my lips. “I quite like that moniker.”

“I’m not calling you big anything, let alone daddy.” She shook her head vehemently. “You’re so inappropriate.”

“Relax, Jane. It was only a joke.”

“It won’t be a joke if I sue you for sexual harassment.” She poked her finger in my chest, and I could see that she was breathing heavily. “That is entirely inappropriate.”

“You don’t have to call me that in the office …” I winked at her and she glared at me. “Maybe only at the club, when you work your shifts.”

“Ooh, you-you …” She stammered and then gave me the dirtiest look she could muster. “You’re so rude, Tate Howard, I should quit.” She marched to the office door and looked back at me. “I’m going to take an early lunch with Magnolia instead.”

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