Murder in Misery (Spook Squad) - By Ashley K. Broome Page 0,39

shrugged. “I do a lot of warding for the clubs around here. If they have had trouble with a certain customer I can make it so they won’t ever be able to come back to the club. I am all about keeping the peace and making sure people stay safe no matter what or who they are.”

Matt chuckled. “I know there’s a heathen somewhere inside of you Keegan. You just kept your self so locked up so tight you are going to go wild one of these days.”

Keegan’s mouth dropped open in shock. The statement from Matt was full of innuendo and it flustered her far more than it should have. “’Scuse me?”

“I’m just saying,” Matt held his hands up in surrender, “If you don’t let loose then when you have the chance to you are going to end up going crazy.”

She grinned at the chance to tease him back. “Oh, so you are speaking from experience are you?”

He choked on his coffee. He grabbed a napkin and dabbed at the drops that hit his pants and wiped his mouth. “I’ll never tell.”

Keegan let out a hearty chuckle. She missed moments like this; hanging out with a friend and letting things just go for a few minutes just to relax. Everything felt lighter then it had in a long time.

“Thank you for this.” Keegan rested a hand on his arm. “I really needed this after everything this week at work.”

Matt grasped her hand for a moment. “I know.”

Keegan stared into his dark eyes, wanting more then what he was offering at the moment. She felt her entire body pull for it but she brushed the feeling off as best as she could. She ignored the pangs of need for more than a simple touch the entire drive back to her car and home. It took her a few days but she finally understood why she was so upset when Matt disappeared off the face of the earth earlier in the week. She wanted him and it hurt to see him afraid of who she was. But now? Now the lines were getting blurred and she wasn’t so sure she minded that they were becoming blurred.

With too many thoughts swirling around her mind Keegan went to the one place that always made sense. She went to her Mom’s house. The front porch light was on and Keegan could see the blue glow of the television playing so she didn’t feel so guilty coming over so late.

The door bell chimed and with in moments her mom was at the door with her reading glasses perched low on her nose. “Keegan? What happened?”

Keegan shook her head as she made her way into the warmth of the house. She passed a brightly lit Christmas tree and wondered if she should even bother getting one this year or just forget about it completely. Ignoring the stray thought she settled her self on a bar stool and watched listlessly as Maria put the kettle on and pulled two mugs out of the cabinet next to the sink.

“I, things are so, ugh,” Keegan rubbed a hand over her eyes. “It’s this case. Everywhere I go leads to another dead end. That’s not everything though. If it was just dead leads I could handle that but it’s the tension between homicide and SIU. They keep treating us so terribly and we’ve just come to accept that as the way we’re going to be treated but then Matt, he never treated us so horribly.”

“Matt?” Maria asked as if she already knew that Matt was someone more important than a fellow cop in a different department.

“Then he apologized. He knew he messed up and he tried to make it better. And he did, don’t get me wrong but he…” Keegan blew out a breath of air before she laid her head on the table in frustration.

“He shook you up didn’t he?” Maria smiled at her daughter.

“I mean, I know I’m all emotionally stunted and relationship retarded but guys like him don’t man up from the mistakes they made and then treat people like me so kindly.” Keegan rolled her head so she could look at her mother. “He found out I’m a necromancer. At first he didn’t take that so well either but he came around. Dear god I even think he started flirting with me. How stupid is it that I don’t know what a man flirting with me is like?”

“You are not stupid or emotionally stunted or any Copyright 2016 - 2024