Murder on Charles Street - Leighann Dobbs Page 0,47

Katherine’s swollen ankle further. “Do you have any bandages?”

Katherine gestured at the table and the roll sitting behind Susanna’s right hip. She twisted, laying one hand on her round stomach as she searched for it. When she found the bandages, she laughed. “Oh, there it is. You wouldn’t imagine the sort of things I lose now that I’ve gotten a bit bigger.”

As she lifted the roll, Papa laid his hand on her shoulder. “My dear, why don’t you leave that and sit over here? Harriet can apply the bandages to Katherine’s ankle.”

Susanna scowled and pulled her shoulder free. “I can do it. I am a mother, you know.”

His gaze dropped to the swell of her belly. Dryly, he said, “Yes, that is abundantly clear, my dear.”

Susanna had given birth to Katherine’s two younger sisters, but everyone in the family was hoping that this child would be a boy to carry on the family name.

As Susanna lifted the injured appendage to rest it on her lap, Katherine gritted her teeth against a wave of pain. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Susanna looked surprised as she started to unwind the bandage around Katherine’s heel. Her curls bobbed at her temples, threatening to swing into her eyes. “We sent you a letter last week. You told us this was one of the nights you have free. We’ve all been so busy…”

Katherine grimaced. She’d forgotten about that letter. If not for her eagerness to check Dr. Gammon’s house for clues, she would have remained at Lord Penhurst’s exhibition and missed her family’s visit. Was she not making enough time for them? Soon, their time would be consumed with the new baby.

Katherine gestured at the armchair across from her. “You can sit, Papa. You don’t have to loom so.”

He ignored the suggestion and her resulting hiss of pain as Susanna shifted her ankle again. As he peered around the room, Papa’s frown deepened, turning his face craggy to match his graying hair.

“You still haven’t furnished the townhouse. You’ve been here a month.”

Katherine avoided his astute gaze. “I’ve been busy. Especially lately…”

“Would you like Susanna and I to do it for you? It would be no bother. We could have this place furnished inside a week.”

“No.” Katherine bit her tongue to stifle a yelp as she sat upright. The movement jostled her ankle. Susanna raised her eyebrows but appeared to understand that Katherine hadn’t moved on purpose. Her stepmother continued her gentle ministrations, pulling the bandages tight but not so tight that Katherine lost circulation in her foot.

“Thank you for the offer, Papa, but I want to pay my own way. I have the money. I simply have to make time. And I will, I promise.”

The silence turned thin and plaintive as Susanna finished with the bandage. She pulled Katherine’s skirt over her ankle again and gently laid her foot on the table once more. “There you are. That should help with the pain somewhat.”

Should it? Since the pair had arrived, the shadow of pain had deepened, seeming to hook itself into her bones. If she didn’t move, her ankle no longer stabbed with pain, but the dull, vicious ache made it a wretched task to entertain.

Papa added, “Perhaps you should return home while your injury heals. You’ll need someone to care for you.”

“I will do that, my lord.” Harriet had returned, bringing with her a plate of seedcakes and a pot of tea. She eyed the table, but when she didn’t find a proper place to put the tea service, she opted for the floor. She herded Emma away with one foot as she fixed the cups and plates.

“There you have it,” Katherine added, jumping to their defense. “Harriet will care for me. She’s done a fine job so far.”

Papa didn’t look convinced. He exchanged a glance with Susanna as he helped her to stand and move to the armchair. Once there, she blew out a breath and rested her hand on her belly.

“We do miss you,” her stepmother said.

Katherine looked away, guilty. “I miss you too. But I have a home of my own, and a small injury like this is not going to make me leave it.”

“Well, if you ever change your mind, please know that you are welcome in our home anytime. You can move back and make it your home too, if you’d like.”

Aside from craving her independence, Katherine would not willingly subject herself to a house that would eventually have a screaming infant. She’d been in residence for that Copyright 2016 - 2024