Murder on Charles Street - Leighann Dobbs Page 0,40

claim Dr. Sumner only visited your father on business, but he told me mere days ago that Dr. Sumner still visited him. Unless you think they still have business? I believe they worked together not a year ago on Lord Westing’s ailments. The late Lord Westing, I mean.”

With a frown, Lord Penhurst’s cousin said, “Isn’t this morose conversation for the dinner table?”

She gritted her teeth. If she had been more familiar with the man, she might have surrendered to the urge to elbow him in the ribs. Couldn’t he see that she didn’t care to talk to him?

Mr. Gammon’s face had hardened as well. “Quite.” He took a bite, chewing vigorously and postponing any further conversation.

But Katherine didn’t have her answers, and until she did, she would not relent. As she chewed the asparagus, which was indeed delicious, she tried to think of another way to introduce the question she so desperately needed answered.

Would Dr. Sumner have killed Dr. Gammon? Did one or the other mistakenly kill Lord Westing—or was it intentional? Not on Dr. Gammon’s part, to be sure, but on that of his partner… And what role did Mr. Gammon play in all of this?

As a pall descended on the conversation, the tension mounted. Under his breath, Mr. Gammon said uncharitably, “I believe if you asked the current Lord Westing, he will tell you that it all worked out favorably. And I assure you, if Dr. Sumner was visiting my father, I have no idea why. I only wish that I had visited him more often than I did.”

Katherine frowned. “But you visited him every week.”

Mr. Gammon’s hands stilled, and he laid down his knife. “Now that he’s no longer with me, you have to forgive me if I now feel that once a week was not nearly enough time.” The grief that she hadn’t seen on his face or in his demeanor was thick in his voice.

Gently, Miss Ball laid her gloved hand atop his. “I’m sure he was a well-liked man who will be sorely missed.”

Hearing that shred of grief in Mr. Gammon’s voice, Katherine couldn’t bring herself to press on. It too closely mirrored the dark emotion she’d been trying to hold at bay ever since finding her friend dead in his study. She applied herself to her meal, ignoring her dinner partner who seemed to have moved his attention to the woman on his right. If nothing else, Katherine had gotten some answers out of Mr. Gammon tonight. The new Lord Westing, after all, had gained much at his predecessor’s death. And if Dr. Gammon and his partner had been at odds previously… Katherine had other suspects to pursue.

Chapter Twelve

Upon eating her fill at dinner, Katherine excused herself early from Lord Penhurst’s exhibition and returned home despite Lady Dalhousie’s protests. She left Mr. Gammon at the event, secure that he would be well occupied. The moment she entered her house, Emma barked out a greeting from a different room.

Katherine followed the noise to the front parlor, where Harriet sat in the armchair, mending the bottom of one of Katherine’s dresses. At Katherine’s entrance, she glanced up in alarm.

“Lady Katherine, what are you doing home so soon? I haven’t prepared anything to eat.”

Katherine shook out her cloak, despite the fact that it had not been snowing for once. She laid it over her arm as Harriet set aside her mending and stood. “No need. Lord Penhurst wouldn’t allow his guests to go hungry.”

Harriet didn’t appear to be listening as she stuffed her basket full of the cloth, thread, and needles she’d been using. She left it in the parlor as she bustled toward Katherine with her arms outstretched to receive Katherine’s cloak. Emma danced after her with an enthusiastic little yap, hurrying to greet Katherine. After divesting herself of her cloak, Katherine knelt to scratch the dog behind the ears.

“You’ll never believe who I saw there. Dr. Gammon’s son! I thought perhaps if he was occupied, I would do best to search the house next door in case he is due to return.”

Harriet looked dubious. “This late in the evening?”

Katherine shrugged as she straightened. “With him, I cannot say, and Mrs. Campbell asked me to return after dark. I’d best go now, while I have the opportunity.”

Looking a little puzzled, Harriet glanced at the cloak in her arms and held it out for Katherine once more. Katherine batted her away. “Not in these clothes. Can you imagine Mrs. Campbell’s reaction if I showed up in Copyright 2016 - 2024