Murder on Charles Street - Leighann Dobbs Page 0,39

color, and she patted her mouth with her napkin again, never mind that she had yet to take a bite off her plate. “To have you as my dinner partner, that is.”

Perhaps for the first time in her entire life, Lady Dalhousie did not contribute to the conversation, but oversaw it with the predatory gleam in her eyes.

Katherine tried to steer the conversation back to a place that would do her the most good. As she cut her meat, she adopted a casual mien. “Mr. Gammon’s father was a very well-liked physician. I believe he was even working with a partner to treat various peers.”

Lady Dalhousie frowned, no doubt recalling that Katherine had asked after Dr. Gammon only the evening before. Katherine took a bite, chewing and swallowing without tasting her meal. She prayed the old woman would not put together too many pieces of the puzzle. Better to keep her focus on her niece, instead, even if she wasted her efforts on a man like Mr. Gammon. Truthfully, Katherine would have expected her to have higher aspirations than the son of a physician.

Mr. Gammon nodded. “That is true.”

With a faint sigh, Miss Ball leaned closer. “What a fascinating profession. And yourself, Mr. Gammon? Or should I be calling you Dr. Gammon as well?”

Katherine hadn’t considered that the son might take after his father. But certainly, matters of such trades were often passed down from generation to generation. Why, then, had Dr. Gammon worked with Dr. Sumner rather than his own son? Unless he hadn’t trusted James as much as he pretended…

Mr. Gammon gave the woman on his right an affable smile. “I’m afraid my father’s education was wasted on me. I never had a head to memorize all the herbs and medicines he used. He was quite disappointed when I chose to become a surgeon to his physician.”

Lady Dalhousie’s eyes gleamed. She leaned forward, laying her hand on Mr. Gammon’s sleeve. “A surgeon, you say? You’re too modest. That is quite the commendable profession.”

Katherine fought back a grimace. This was not going according to plan at all.

Mr. Gammon continued his game of modesty as he surreptitiously reclaimed his arm. “I’m afraid it was a point of contention between my father and I. I might have a way with a scalpel and be handy if you ever require an amputation, but for any common ailment, my father was of far more use.”

In a dreamy voice, Miss Ball whispered, “You must have saved a great many lives.”

And perhaps taken one. Breaking into the conversation before they fawned over Mr. Gammon too much, Katherine asked, “Would that be why your father turned to another man in his partnership? I hear he worked closely with Dr. Sumner.”

Mr. Gammon nodded stiffly. “That is the case.”

When he said nothing more on the subject, Katherine prodded, “And do you think well of the gentleman?”

Mr. Gammon’s hesitation spoke volumes. “He and my father had their disagreements from time to time, but on the whole, I believe they worked well together. I did not speak very often with the gentleman in question, as he only came by to see my father on business.”

Lady Dalhousie tsked under her breath. “It is a terrible thing when a man only has a mind for business.”

Mr. Gammon answered, “Business must have its place, my lady, but I believe it should also be balanced with family and friends.”

He could not have said a more winsome thing. The faces of the ladies on either side of him brightened.

Lady Dalhousie pressed, “And you, Mr. Gammon? Do you find a lot of time for your family, for your wife?”

He deftly cut his meat as he answered. “I have no wife at present. But when I do, I will certainly make time for her.”

This conversation had turned so far afield that Katherine felt as though she were sitting in a different country. Somehow, she seemed to have been cut out of it altogether. Lord Penhurst’s cousin, who had escorted her to the table, leaned closer and commented, “The asparagus is particularly divine, wouldn’t you say, Lady Katherine?”

“I have yet to try it, but I will upon your suggestion.”

“Allow me.” He reached for the dish and held it for her as she shoveled half its contents onto her plate. She wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to him, nor the frown he wore when he returned the plate to the table.

As she started to slice the vegetable, she cut into the progressing conversation across from her. “You Copyright 2016 - 2024