Murder on Charles Street - Leighann Dobbs Page 0,27

on purpose. Maybe too much of it by accident. In either case, it’s not enough for an investigation. Not like the slit throat of the woman whose death I will be investigating after I’m done here.”

Pru’s eyes widened, and she gasped.

Harriet, looking like she might regurgitate her scone, took a few shuffling steps back as Emma licked the underside of her chin.

McTavish cursed. “What sort of gallus tripe are you exposing the womenfolk tae? We’re in mixed company.”

Lyle gave him a puzzled look. “If you mean Katherine, I assure you she is—”

McTavish waved one hand toward Harriet, who still looked pale. She regained her color with alacrity and narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m not some weak-willed milksop who will fall to pieces at the mere mention of violence.”

McTavish spluttered. “I… I did nae mean tae say ye were, lass. But ye have to admit, it is nae the sort of thing fit for mixed company.”

Harriet glowered at him. “Oh? And what sort of thing is fit for mixed company? Rainbows and wedding dresses?”

As McTavish struggled to regain possession of his tongue and dignity, Pru raised her voice. “If Dr. Gammon was poisoned on purpose, then why? Is there a reason someone would want to kill him?”

Katherine relaxed. At long last, her friend seemed to be supporting her in this endeavor. She leaned forward. “As I said, it might have been Lord Westing’s daughter. If Dr. Gammon was responsible, purposefully or not, for her father’s death, she might have wanted revenge.”

Wayland brushed the crumbs off his fingers and said, “To that, I repeat, why now? A lot of time has passed.”

Lord Annandale added, “And did ye nae say there was no sign of a carriage? I would think a baron’s daughter would nae be out without her carriage.”

“She might have parked it a couple of streets away and walked the rest of the way by foot. We should ask on other streets, broaden our search area.”

At Emma’s insistence, Harriet lowered the dog to the floor once more. After straightening the dog’s pink bow, she asked, “Didn’t you say that Dr. Gammon had other visitors that day?”

Katherine nodded. “Yes. His son, James, and Dr. Sumner.”

“Do you think either of them would have wanted him dead?”

Slowly, Katherine nodded. “If this murder was connected to Lord Westing’s death, I’d assumed that Dr. Sumner might be in danger of becoming the next victim. But you’re right, Harriet. Perhaps it wasn’t Dr. Gammon who had made the mistake, but Dr. Sumner. If Dr. Gammon had confronted him about what he learned, perhaps Dr. Sumner had some motive to silence him. Whether the blunder was intentional or not, I imagine causing the death of a baron would not be good for one’s reputation.”

Wayland frowned. “So he could have returned on foot that evening, so as not to be seen?”

Katherine nodded.

Lord Annandale, on the other hand, shook his head. “You do nae know if this had anything to do with Lord Westing’s death. You should nae fixate upon it. Are there other suspects or motives?”

Katherine picked at the scone in her lap as she thought further. “Mr. Gammon acted odd when he found me in his father’s study yesterday. Perhaps this is about money, his inheritance.”

Pru nodded. “We need to discover if Dr. Gammon’s son has any debts.”

Lord Annandale shifted on his uncomfortable seat to look at her. “What do you suggest, love?”

Pru beamed at him. “Katherine, Harriet, and I will find out about Lord Westing’s daughter. I know we cannot ask her directly; that would be far too suspicious as none of us has been introduced. But, Harriet, do you happen to know anyone in the household?”

Harriet hesitated then shook her head. “I don’t, but it might not be too hard to find an introduction at the market or on laundry day.”

Katherine smiled. “It’s settled. We’ll introduce ourselves to one of the servants.” She raised her eyebrows at Lord Annandale. “And you?”

Her fiancé looked pensive. “If James Gammon has any debts, they’re like as not accrued at one of the gambling halls. I’ll make my rounds tonight.”

“I’ll accompany you,” McTavish volunteered. “Men’s tongues wag more with a friendly drink, and ye haven’t the tolerance I do. No offense meant, m’laird.”

Lord Annandale did not look impressed, but with his future wife in the room, he saved his reprimand. Instead, he turned to Wayland. “And you?”

To Katherine’s surprise, Wayland declined helping Lord Annandale with his task. “I’ll sit that one out and look into Dr. Sumner instead. I Copyright 2016 - 2024