Murder on Charles Street - Leighann Dobbs Page 0,18

themselves and she could ask Lady Dalhousie some questions alone.

Lord Annandale did his part and led Pru down the corridor. Wayland, on the other hand, stubbornly remained at her side. She glared at him. Although he held her gaze, he made no move to excuse himself. When she made a shooing motion with her hand, he shook his head subtly.

“What sort of escort would I be if I abandon you in the foyer?”

The words, spoken low enough to carry no farther than Katherine’s ears, made her bristle. “I am perfectly capable of escorting myself.”

Despite the clipped edge to her words, he said nothing more. Instead, he greeted Lady Dalhousie with a warm smile.

Katherine resigned herself to Wayland’s company. Was he simply being a gentleman—or did he hope to glean information about the investigation? Examining his motives was exhausting. Frankly, after she had bested him in the last investigation and proved to them both who was the superior detective, she had hoped she would not have to contend with these childish antics. Not that he had ever used the information he learned to his own ends. After all, he and Lyle had escorted the Pink Ribbon Murderer to Bow Street, and despite his family’s title, he had insisted upon having no hand in the capture. And in the other investigations during which he had loomed by her side, he had been nothing but helpful. That was save, perhaps, for the last—but then, they’d each had a wager to win. Had he taken her side in this investigation? For once, rather than suspecting his motives, she longed to accept him as her ally.

She didn’t know what to think of him anymore. Tonight, she resolved to focus solely on the man who deserved her attention—the late Dr. Stuart Gammon. Her confusing association with Wayland could wait.

“Lady Katherine, so good of you to come! I promise, all of the festivities will be indoors tonight. In fact, I closed up the ballroom entirely and have situated us in the pink parlor. I’m sure we’ll have a splendid evening.”

Despite her assurances, Lady Dalhousie nervously plucked at the infamous necklace around her throat, a delicate fall of aquamarines and diamonds that she never removed. Usually, in times when she had no other gossip to impart, she could be relied upon to disclose the increasingly fanciful tale of the necklace’s origin. Katherine suspected that the truth of its procurement was rather mundane.

Tonight, however, Katherine hoped to preempt that story. If Lady Dalhousie hadn’t insisted upon changing it in some small detail every time she told it, Katherine might have been able to recite it by rote. “I’m certain the evening will be remarkably tame. I look forward to hearing your niece. I’m told she is a delight.”

Twin roses bloomed across Lady Dalhousie’s cheeks, and she beamed. She tucked a stray wisp of white hair beneath her bright turban. “She is that, I assure you. A true virtuoso.”

Before the old woman exalted her niece’s virtues, Katherine reached out to touch her arm. “Actually, if you’ve a moment, I hope to ask you a question before the entertainment begins.”

The lady, sensing gossip in the air, narrowed her eyes. She leaned forward, flicking her gaze between Katherine and Wayland. “And what question would this be?”

“Have you heard of a Dr. Gammon? He treated many of the peerage.”

Lady Dalhousie returned to fiddling with her necklace. “Yes, I’ve heard the name, though I haven’t sought his services myself. If you’re thinking of going to him with an ailment, perhaps I might recommend my physician instead? I assure you, Doctor—”

“That won’t be necessary.”

Katherine’s heart beat quicker as she spoke over her hostess. If she didn’t interrupt her now, Katherine might find herself standing by the front door for the entire evening. Not to mention, she didn’t want the old gossip to spread rumors that Katherine was ailing. She could only imagine the reactions her father and stepmother would have if they heard such whispers.

“Why would you warn me away from his services?” After all, Dr. Gammon had been nothing but kind and knowledgeable during their association.

Raising her thin eyebrows, Lady Dalhousie closed the distance between them until she had to tilt her head up so as not to speak to Katherine’s bosom. “You see, a year or two ago, there was some question regarding the death of Lord Westing. He had his problems, as do we all, but his end was seen by some to be… premature. Dr. Gammon, along with a fellow named Copyright 2016 - 2024