Murder on Charles Street - Leighann Dobbs Page 0,15

why she’d volunteered for yet more work. Ever since she and Lady Katherine had moved out of the Earl of Dorchester’s residence, she had run the household on her own. Although her employer was a good sort, the kind of woman Harriet even fancied a friend, she was not likely to sully her hands by running her own household. That left Harriet as cook, housekeeper, parlor maid, laundry maid, and lady’s maid. Thinking of her lengthy list of duties was enough to give her a headache. And now she was to be a detective as well?

She gritted her teeth, trying to bar her thoughts from her face. She was feeling uncharitable due to the late hour and the frigid weather. A month ago, she would have jumped at the chance to vary her domestic chores with a more interesting pursuit. Now, however, it was all she could do to finish all her chores before collapsing into bed. And with Emma sick these past few days…

“I wouldn’t impose on you in that way.”

Through lowered lashes, Harriet glanced sideways at Lyle. He led her along the street, pausing at the end of the walkway leading up to the next door. Harriet offered him a wan smile and stepped past him. She knocked sharply. The sooner she asked her questions and retreated from the night air, the better.

They stood and stamped on the doorstep for at least five minutes, but no one opened the door. With a disgusted sigh, Harriet turned away and continued on to the next house. Lyle lengthened his stride to catch up.

“Are you in a hurry?” When he reached her side, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and curled his shoulders forward as if warding away the winter weather.

“Only to get out of this blasted cold.”

He cocked one eyebrow at her. “Then Katherine is not waiting for you…”

If Lady Katherine had been at her leisure, she could have asked the questions herself. Heavens knew she had given Harriet a lengthy list to ask while donning her eveningwear.

Harriet shook her head. “I settled Lady Katherine into the carriage with Miss Burwick and Lord Annandale half an hour ago. They are on their way to Lady Dalhousie’s musicale, and I couldn’t be happier for it.”

Lyle’s frown deepened. He avoided her gaze as they approached the next house in the line, hopefully the last. Surely, no one farther from Number Four would have seen anything useful.

“You don’t enjoy it when Katherine’s friends pay a visit? Or perhaps, are you less excited for the company they bring?”

Harriet stopped in her tracks, her arm jerked by Emma as the pug trotted on. Harriet dug in her heels and held the little dog at bay. She scowled at Lyle. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. You’re right. Let’s hurry and get out of this cold.”

When he loped onward, Harriet hastened her step to keep up. “Are you asking after McTavish?”

Harriet could barely force the name through her lips. His very name conjured the flirtatious look in his eye and the casual manner with which he treated all women. He was a serial womanizer, even wont to twice turn his attentions on Katherine! Harriet most certainly did not enjoy when he turned his indiscriminate attentions on her.

“He seems like an ungrateful guest.”

“Well, you needn’t worry. Lord Annandale rarely brings his valet to the new house. I only have to contend with him if Lady Katherine calls on Lord Annandale.”

While paused in front of the next walkway, Lyle glanced at her almost shyly. “And is that the way you prefer him?”

“I prefer never to see him at all,” Harriet assured him. She stepped around Lyle, marched up to the door, and rapped loudly. This time, Emma heard the patter of footsteps within. Her ears perked forward, and she yipped.

The door opened to show the girl on the cusp of womanhood. She had a demure, forgettable face that her shrewd gaze belied. She narrowed her eyes as she beheld Harriet and Emma. “I recognize that dog… You work for the earl’s daughter, don’t you?”

“Yes. I hope you’ll forgive me for bothering you so late, but…”

The girl dismissed Harriet out of hand summarily. She turned that keen gaze on Lyle, staring at him for so long that the color in his cheeks deepened. “And who are you?”

He gave her a little nod that ended resembling a half-bow. The color seeped farther into his complexion. “My name is Murphy. Lyle Murphy. I work for Bow Street, and I have Copyright 2016 - 2024