Murder on Charles Street - Leighann Dobbs Page 0,10

her mouth to protest, Pru waved her hand in dismissal. “I know, I know. They don’t like to be called Runners. Promise me you’ll leave the matter for Lyle and his ilk. It’s for them to determine.”

Never before had Pru suggested they avoid an investigation. Ever since their initial meeting, while simultaneously searching for the Pink Ribbon Murderer, they had been of like mind. But now… Would marrying Lord Annandale so change her perspective?

Katherine turned in her seat to look at Wayland, who smirked as he played with Emma. Surely, he would support her cause. “What of…”

The faint whistle pierced the air from deeper in the house.

“That will be the tea. I’ll return the moment.” Harriet bustled out of the room.

Pru laid a hand on Lord Annandale’s knee and offered a bright smile. “We came to you today because we have an important matter to ask.” Her gaze slid to Wayland. “To ask of you both.” Once more, she beseeched Katherine with her gaze. “May we discuss investigations later?”

A man has been murdered! Katherine bit her lower lip, sensing that her friend was practically bursting to ask her something and that matters of murder were not foremost on her mind. Thoughts of an investigation could wait.

Beaming, Pru met her fiancé’s gaze before they both turned their attentions to the other people in the room. Lord Annandale puffed out his chest, his grin spreading across his face. “Wayland, I want you to be my best man.”

Pru laughed, the sound tumbling out of her mouth with music. She tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear and added with as equally infectious a smile, “And, Katherine, I want you to be my best bridesmaid.”

Katherine’s mouth dropped open. “Your… what?”

“My best bridesmaid.” Pru colored up and fiddled with the drape of her skirt. “If he’s to have a best man, I must have one, too. And I can’t think of anyone I would want to play as important a role in my wedding as you, Katherine.”

Lord Annandale glanced at his wife-to-be with a smirk. “Ye ken a best man dates back to when we kidnapped the bride.” He winked. “Back then, the groom needed his best fighting man around to do it.”

Katherine gaped at the pair incredulously. “What would you have me do, fight off Wayland with a sword?”

The tension building in the room dissipated as everyone laughed. Emma, abandoned as Wayland straightened to his full height, tottered over to the happy couple and begged for attention.

Her eyes dancing, Pru assured, “You won’t have to wrestle with Wayland. All I want is for you to help in a more official capacity.” The mischief in her eyes dulled to an intent, serious expression. “Katherine, you’re very important to me. Since Mary…” A shadow fell across her gaze, but she swallowed audibly and continued. “Mary isn’t here, but you are. And you’ve become as dear to me. I’m going to need your help, Katherine. After all, this isn’t precisely how I expected to be married.”

At that, Annandale arched an eyebrow. “Isn’t this, lass?”

Pru gave a delicate little humph. “I’ll have you know my mother has had her heart set on a hasty wedding in the middle of her drawing room by special license. You know, the kind of whirlwind, scandalous wedding that is the talk of the ton.”

He laughed heartily. “Sorry to disappoint you, lass, but I’m the laird of the manor. I can nae have my wedding anywhere except for Annandale Castle. Once ye meet the lot of them, you’ll see.”

Pru offered Katherine a hopeful smile. “A wedding that includes the entire town and castle requires a lot of organization. I cannot let my mother have any part of that. Can you imagine?”

The last choice Mrs. Burwick had foisted upon her daughter had been buttons so large, floral, and hideous that Pru had worn them simply to try to fend off Lord Annandale’s attentions. It hadn’t worked in the least.

“So, Katherine? Will you be my best bridesmaid?”

Katherine swallowed thickly. Did Pru truly consider her the equal of the late bosom friend she’d known since birth? They’d grown close these past months since Katherine’s twenty-fifth birthday in September. Sometimes, she considered Pru akin to one of her sisters. Katherine blinked away tears. “Of course. I’m happy to help; you know that.”

Lord Annandale unfolded himself from the loveseat to face his friend with a quizzical expression. “And you, old friend?”

A broad grin split Wayland’s face as he pumped Annandale’s forearm. “My acceptance was never in Copyright 2016 - 2024