This Much is True - Tia Louise Page 0,75

case you can’t get me.” I quickly write Scout’s number on the receipt. “Call either of us as soon as you know something.”

Two hours later, I’m picking up Scout at the airport.

“What’s the latest?” He hops into the passenger’s side dressed in faded jeans and a long-sleeved tee.

His light hair is messy, and instead of the carefree expression he usually wears, he’s focused.

“The guy at the repair shop wasn’t very encouraging.” I glance over with a worried face.

He gives my shoulder a squeeze and shifts in the seat, taking out his phone. “I’ve got a backup plan. We’re going to see JR at the prison.”

My heart beats faster. I want to see him so badly. “You think we can?”

“We have to try. I need him to help me find this Clyde guy.”

“You think he’s still there?”

“Only one way to find out.” Scout’s jaw tightens. “JR didn’t beat a confession out of him, but I will. Then I’m going to find a good lawyer and get my brother free.”


For twenty-eight hours, I’ve been alone in this cell.

The warden said we’re isolated for our safety, but it only intensifies the thoughts pressing hard against my brain.

My one call was to my son. I wanted to call Hope. I ache every time I think about her, but I had to call Jesse.

At the sound of that boot crunching my phone, he was the first thing on my mind. He’s waiting for me. He believes me when I say I’ll be back soon. He’s also five—too little to understand why. He’ll only know I never came back.


Exhaling a low growl, my fist tightens as all the rage roars to life in my chest. I’d released my dad. I’d kept myself from beating the shit out of that asshole Clyde, but injustice still won. I’m back to where I was when I left this place a month ago. I want to hurt somebody. Not somebody, three people in particular.

The bitterness in my chest is a physical pain. My one chance at overturning this wrongful conviction is gone… There’s no way it survived, and powerlessness is a cruel driver.

Scout said he was getting on the next plane here, but it’s hard to believe it’ll make any kind of a difference.

“Just hang on, bro. I’m going to get you out of there.” My brother’s voice was level.

Then he put Jesse on the line.

“It’s taking a little longer than I expected, buddy.” Despite the flames in my throat, I managed to quiet them for him.

“How much longer?” Jesse’s wobbly whisper clawed at my heart.

“I’m not sure. I’m not sure…” My voice cracked as I said the words, and I blinked up at the overhead lights, doing my best not to lose it.

“I did what you said.” His small voice turns positive, hopeful. “I invited Hunter to be on my team.”

“You did?” Leaning my head back, I fight to match his optimism. I imagine being there with him. “How’d it go?”

“Just like you said. We’re all friends now.”

“That’s good. I’m really proud of you.” God, this is so hard.

“Uncle Scout said he’s going to get you and bring you home. Will you come home with Uncle Scout?”

“If there’s any way…” I swallow the knot in my throat. A beeping on the line tells me my time is up. “I have to go now, buddy. I love you, little man.”

“I love you too, Dad.”

Ever since that call, I’ve sat waiting. I should have a meeting with a lawyer, but according to the guards, everything takes longer these days. All I can do is wait and hope.


Dropping my head into my hands, I can’t stop thinking about her, her soft skin and bright blue eyes, her sweet laugh and sexy little body. After weeks of searching for her, there she was, back at that old beach house. We shared the most amazing night. When I left her, we were making plans. I’d asked her to go with me to Fireside, and she said okay.

Now it’s all shot to hell.

My fingers curl against my forehead. I believed. I actually prayed. Snapping my gaze up to the ceiling, my jaw tightens along with my fist. Why would I find something I’ve never had only to have it taken away?

The thought of never touching her again, holding her, burying my face in her hair… It’s the definition of hell.

I push off the floor, pacing the small square room and breathing hard. I’m about to start throwing things when a buzz at the door, cuts Copyright 2016 - 2024