This Much is True - Tia Louise Page 0,7


“Heard you drive up.” He pulls John into a one-armed bro-hug. “Good to see you, man… Not looking too worse for wear.”

New guy is the same height as John with lighter hair and friendly blue eyes—they’re the exact same color as his brother’s. He’s wearing board shorts and a thin tee that shows off his perfectly tanned, muscular arms. The light scruff on his face doesn’t hide the cleft in his chin, and when he smiles, he has a cute dimple in his cheek.

This guy is clearly a movie star. Or a surfer dude.

He’s about to toss his bag into the car when he steps back. “Holy shit, where did you get this? It’s like straight out of that TV show.”

I smile up in response. “My best friend and I used to call it Metallicar.”

“Who are you?” He looks at his brother. “You didn’t tell me you were seeing anybody.”

“I’m not seeing anybody.” John seems pissed as he goes to the trunk and opens it. “She sneaked into the car, and I can’t get her out.”

“Hey!” I frown, looking back at him. “I told you I fell asleep in the backseat.”

“She was drunk.” John says it like I stole somebody’s dog. “Here.”

He shoves a bottle of water in my hand, and my eyes widen. I rip the top off and drink it like it’s the elixir of life.

“Okay, then!” The brother laughs, sticking out a hand. “I’m Scout. Nice to meet you.”

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before shaking his. “Hope.”

“So you’re helping us drive to South Carolina?”

“No.” John reaches forward and grabs my upper arm in that vise grip of his, dragging me out onto the sidewalk. “Her part ends here.”

Scout’s brow furrows, and he looks down at my feet. “Do you have shoes?”

My face flames hot. “I kind of left them at home.”

“Where’s home?”

“San Francisco. At least, it was before I lost my job.”

“It’s a six-hour drive to San Francisco.” He studies me a beat, but his brother is undeterred.

“Life’s tough all over. Say goodbye, Scout.”

John walks around Metallicar, climbing in the driver’s side while his brother stands in front of the open door, studying me. “You got anywhere to go?”

“We don’t have time for this.” John looks straight ahead.

“I’ll be okay…” My throat is tight, but I force a smile. “I usually land on my feet.”

Scout glances at my bare feet again before tossing his bag in the backseat. The frown hasn’t left his face.

He starts to get in, then hesitates, standing up again. “You know, he has to bring me back here… If you’re not doing anything, you could help us drive. JR wants to be back in a week, but I don’t know how the hell just the two of us can accomplish that.”

“Get in the car, Scout,” barks John… or JR?

At this point, I’m ready to take any help I can get. “I don’t mind driving. I’ve never been to South Carolina.”

The driver’s side door opens and John stands, glaring across the top of the car at me. “You, stay put.” He points at his brother. “You, get in.”

“I guess it’s a crazy idea.” Scout shrugs. “You don’t know us. We don’t know you…”

“Yeah…” I’m standing on the sidewalk watching the only two people I barely know in LA preparing to leave, and desperation sets in. “But you’ve got my car…”

“My car,” John growls. “Would you come on?”

“Want to use my phone?” Scout steps forward quickly, holding out the device to me. “I haven’t left this apartment in two weeks except to surf. It should be safe.”

“Thanks!” I take it carefully, tapping in Yarnell’s number as John continues to wait. It rings and rings and ultimately her voicemail picks up. “She’s not answering.”

Dropping my chin, I pass it back to him.

He takes it, pressing his lips together. “Well… good luck, I guess.”

“Thanks again.” I nod, doing my best to appear brave.

The reality is I’m terrified. What the hell am I going to do alone on the streets of LA with no shoes and a dead phone?

I watch as he climbs inside, looking out the window at me, worry lining his perfect face. A breeze pushes the thin skirt around my legs, and the fluffy coat I’m wearing is hot in the LA sunshine.

Metallicar rumbles low as it pulls away, and I lift my hand, waving as they ease from the curb. I step back, walking to the front steps of the Pink Flamingo as the red tail lights grow smaller Copyright 2016 - 2024