This Much is True - Tia Louise Page 0,69

believe, the only truth is me.”

Her pretty brows furrow, and her eyes are sad. “Sounds lonely.”

“I was in a pretty dark place.” Remembering it makes my chest cold. “The system took everything I had and left me with nothing.”

“It’s like what you told me that night?” Her voice is quiet. “Like when you were a football star?”

I forgot I’d told her that. “Yeah.”

Her fingers move from my hand to trace the line of my jaw. Her blue eyes are focused on them, so careful. “Do you ever think you can trust someone again?”

She has no idea…

In that moment I make a decision.

“I don’t like you being here alone. I should stay with you, or you can come back to my place.”

Her brow arches. “You have a place?”

“It’s just a studio on Divisidaro, but it’s better than you being out here alone and vulnerable.”

“I thought you said we couldn’t be together.” She’s teasing, and I roll her onto her back.

“Something changed my mind.”

“Something… like?”

Leaning on my elbow, I gaze down at her angel face. “Like I think I got a miracle.”

Her pretty blue eyes widen. “How?”

“GA has a prayer chain, and she insists they make shit happen—”

“Shit like what?”

“I found the guy who set me up.” Shaking my head, I still kind of can’t believe it. “Not only that, I got him to confess.”

“John!” She pushes up to sitting, and I shift onto my hip beside her. “Oh my God! That’s incredible… That’s…” She hesitates, shaking her head as if she can’t find the words.

I get it. This changes everything.

Dropping my chin, I kiss the top of her shoulder. “I know.”

It’s a big moment, the break we need, and I want to hold her, linger here.

Her breath swirls in and out, and I feel the excitement tight in her body. I remember what we said, if there’s any chance…

It’s our chance.

Our heartbeats slow, and I can’t resist. “You know, it’s pretty cool, but it’s nothing like pulling a copperhead out of a wooden box.”

“Brother Bob.” Her head drops back with a groan. “Talk about a liar. He was not incredible. He was insane.”

“He sent his goons after us.”

“And you kicked their asses.” She grins, sliding a finger along my brow. “It was hot.”

“It was a close call.” Shifting, I lean back against the headboard.

“So what now?” She bounces beside me, and I can’t help noticing her small tits bobbing.

My fingers trace from her waist to her breast, and I think how amazing it would be to have her any time I want. She covers my hand with hers, threading our fingers, and my train of thought disappears at the sight of her body.

“Hellooo…” I look up, and her head is tilted to the side, a sexy smile curving her lips.

“Sorry, what?” My thumb slides around the stiff peak of her nipple, and she leans forward, threading her fingers in the side of my hair and tracing her lips along my brow.

My dick perks up… almost like it’s been four weeks since I’ve seen her.

“What happens now?” Her voice is low, and her lips feather against my cheek.

Gripping her waist, I pull her across me in a straddle. “Now I take it to my lawyer and clear my name.”

Her tits are right at my chin, and I lift them in my hands. Soft and tight, just like the rest of her. Leaning forward, I pull a taut nipple between my lips and give it a gentle bite.

I’m rewarded with a sharp gasp, and her slim hand fumbles between us, guiding my cock to her hot little pussy. I don’t have a condom, and I’m about to stop us when she lowers her body, moving onto her knees and riding me.

“Shit…” My eyes squeeze shut, and my hands grip her soft ass.

I need to stop her. I need to be responsible and put on a condom.

“Hang on, beautiful.” It’s almost more willpower than I have. “I can’t get you pregnant yet.”

“John…” Her lips seal against mine, and she hugs me.

She’s so hot and tight and slippery and tempting. She’s killing me.

“Hold that thought.” Shifting our positions, I lay her on her back. I’m still inside her as I thrust, sliding in and out as our bodies heat and tense. My jeans are just within reach, and I pull out a condom.

Leaning down, I pull her warm lips with mine, sliding my tongue along hers as I lift my hips, coming out with a long pull. I’m on my knees above her, and she Copyright 2016 - 2024