This Much is True - Tia Louise Page 0,36


He doesn’t finish. “And?”

“She says the town was founded by some cult.” JR shakes his head, looking out the window. “She’s harmless.”

“Was it?” I look from one brother to the next, and Scout only shrugs.

“I don’t think there’s any definitive evidence. The town council has always maintained it gives the place color.”

“It’s ancient history.” JR’s demeanor changes the farther we get into town, becoming more surly.

Another sign reads Welcome to Historic Downtown Fireside, and Scout stops at the only red light. When the signal changes, he takes a right into what looks like a historic neighborhood.

The houses are large and pretty with white front porches and lots of wood details. The yards are well manicured with large gardenia bushes and tall crepe myrtle trees. Palms are everywhere, and some of the houses have the state flag on them, that palm tree with the crescent moon. It’s very Americana, and my heart beats a little faster when we pull into a driveway. I’ve heard so much about these people. Now I’m going to meet them.

Scout kills the engine in front of an enormous house with a mixture of live oaks and palm trees in the front yard. Ivy climbs all over the red-brick wall lining the sidewalk, and a large fountain is in the center. The two-story, white-wooden house seems very grand and very old.


“As I’ll ever be.” JR steps out of Metallicar, pausing with his hands on his hips as he surveys the place.

His brother opens the driver’s side door and steps out as well, and I wonder if I should wait in the backseat or follow them.

It doesn’t matter as the front door opens and a pretty blonde woman walks slowly out onto the front porch. She pauses, crossing her arms, and a slight breeze pushes her long, straight hair over one shoulder.

I’m not sure what I was expecting of Becky, but this wasn’t it. I expected a more hapless young person, a former cheerleader who dated the high school football star and accidentally got pregnant in college. A young woman who was stunned by her husband’s arrest and imprisonment and perhaps rushed to get a divorce out of fear.

The actual person looks like she’s never been afraid a day in her life. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s only a few years older than me, but she’s dressed like a much older woman in navy slacks and an ivory twinset. A strand of large pearls is around her neck, and she’s clearly not happy to see her ex-husband.

Her thin lips press into a line, and her voice is low, almost like she’s a smoker. “What a surprise. You’re home early.”

“Actually, I’m eighteen months late.” JR isn’t smiling. His expression is grim. “Where’s my son?”

“You always did have such a charming personality. I should’ve known you wouldn’t care how I’ve been.”

“I’ve heard how you’ve been, not that you ever told me.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything. We’re not married anymore.”

“You didn’t tell me anything when we were married.”

I’m on edge listening, analyzing every word they say for any hint he still has feelings for her. I hear none.

He drops his chin and exhales slowly. “I didn’t come here for you. I came to see my son.”

“Hello, Scout. You’re looking well, considering you’re an utter embarrassment to your father.”

My jaw drops. What a bitch!

Scout only laughs. “Damn, Becky. I didn’t think it was possible for you to get any more obnoxious. Guess I was wrong about that, too.”

“You’re usually wrong about everything.” Her arms are still crossed, and she turns to go back inside the house. “Your father isn’t here. He’s at the gym.”

JR starts walking to the house, and my heart hammers in my chest. “I want to see my son.”

Becky spins on her heel, and her voice is a sharp command. “Don’t you step foot on this porch, or I’ll call the sheriff.”

I’m surprised her threat actually stops JR in his tracks… then my mind drifts to his strange behavior when we saw the roadblock in Texas.

He lifts his chin, his ice blue eyes scanning the enormous house. “Jesse?” He calls loudly. “Jesse?”

Becky rushes to the top step holding out her hand. “Stop shouting. What will the neighbors think?”

“I don’t give a shit.” JR snaps, yelling again. “Jesse!”

“He’s not here. He lives with Alice now. Bill said he’d already done the daddy thing and isn’t interested in doing it again.”

She’s still speaking, but JR has signaled Scout, and they’re jogging back to where I’m waiting in Copyright 2016 - 2024