This Much is True - Tia Louise Page 0,12

this year cursed, but he’d probably argue curses are magical.

Scout shakes my shoulder. “You thought we were going to make you live on sunflower seeds and Chex Mix for three days?”

He’s so laid-back, I can’t help teasing, “I was hoping for Bugles and beef jerky.”

We’re just outside of Phoenix, and he exits the interstate. “Check it out… Hopeville. That seems like a good sign to me.”

“You’re such a little bitch. You haven’t even been driving four hours.” John’s voice is a low grumble from the backseat, but I hear a smile in his tone.

“I’ve been riding more than eight. We need a break.”

He turns in at the Black Bear Diner. It’s a long, rectangular building with carved black bears on stumps in rock and succulent beds, and tables arranged under what looks like newly installed awnings. A motel is right behind the restaurant with a huge yellow sign reading, “Rooms $19.95 per night.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good sign.” I shift in my seat, wondering what the plan for sleeping might be.

“We’re not spending the night,” John snaps.

Scout pulls Metallicar into a spot up front, and we stumble out. My legs feel like Jell-O, and I follow behind as John stalks towards the glass entrance. Reaching out, I catch Scout’s arm, pulling him back as his brother goes inside.

“What am I doing here?”

He stops and faces me, grinning like always. “We’re taking a road trip to Fireside, South Carolina. The Palmetto State. My hometown.”

“Yeah, but what am I doing here? I don’t belong here. I don’t have any money. We don’t really know each other—”

“Shh…” He holds a finger just in front of my lips. “You’re very important. You provided the car.”

“Your brother bought the car. It’s his car now. I fell asleep on the backseat after drinking a whole bottle of wine.”

“Who are we to question the fates?”

The sun is setting over the desert, and behind us the sky is painted in the most brilliant shades of pink, blue, and purple. It really does feel magical in this moment… And I am a fool for stuff like that. It’s because of how I was raised.

“I really need to catch a bus to San Francisco.”

He crosses his arms, grinning down at me. “But how will you pay for it?”

Chewing my lip, I look around. He’s got me there. “I guess I could ask my dad to wire me the money.” If I can get through to him in the nursing home.

“Hope Eternal…” Scout tosses a muscled arm over my shoulders, leading me towards the restaurant. “You have a purpose for being here. I knew it the minute I saw you. It’s destiny.”

“You’ve been in California too long.” Then I squint an eye up at him. “Are you trying to ask me out?”

His lips tighten, and he stops walking, glancing in the direction his brother went. “No.”

Oh fuck, I screwed this up. “That came out wrong. I didn’t mean—”

“Hey, no, I’m sorry. I like you a lot! You’re really cool and—”

“You don’t have to say that.” God, I am such an airhead.

“Stop. Now listen… I’m going to tell you something.” His chin drops, and he rubs the back of his neck. “I kind of have my own reason for making this trip—besides helping JR. I kind of left someone behind in Fireside. And I’m hoping… Well, I don’t know if she’ll even speak to me now…”

My eyebrows rise. “You have a girlfriend in Fireside?”


This is so screwed up. I’ve been sneaking glances at his brother for the past ten hours, and now I’ve made things weird with my one ally. “I really should go now.”

“I wish you wouldn’t.” He catches my arms gently, and his blue eyes hold mine. “I don’t know why we all ended up in this car together, but I’m serious when I say it feels important. I said I’d look out for you, right? Do you trust me?”

My stomach twists, and this feels so foolish. So stupid and foolish and oh my God, this is nuts. Still, the look in his eyes…

Rubbing my hand over my stomach, I wince. “I guess I never had one of those crazy college road trips people always talk about.”

“That-a girl. Now let’s get something to eat. Combos and Red Vines are not food.”

“I love Red Vines.”

JR’s sitting in a booth looking at a plastic-covered menu. “About damn time. What the hell were you doing?”

We slide into the seat across from him. “Sorry—Hope was trying to desert us again.”

Scout nudges me with Copyright 2016 - 2024