Mrs. Miracle Page 0,36

the earliest opportunity.

The twins were excited about their part in the Christmas pageant and had chatted like magpies during the short drive to the church. When he'd arrived, Seth had impulsively decided to park and go inside. He'd stay just long enough to say hello to Reba, thank her for their dinner date, and be on his way.

That's what he'd told himself he'd do, but the minute he'd entered the room, he'd felt compelled to sit back and watch Reba manage the children. For a single woman with limited experience working with kids, she did a masterful job. Two or three other women were there to lend a hand, but it was Reba who was in charge.

The practice started out with all the children grouped together. Mrs. Foster was there as well, tight-lipped and looking miserable as she banged away on the piano keys without much finesse. He grimaced a couple of times at her basic lack of talent.

To the best of his memory, Seth had never seen the older woman smile. Half the time she looked as if she'd been sucking on something bitter.

The children, while familiar with the songs, gave it a halfhearted effort. Their voices blended nicely, but from the back of the room, Seth couldn't understand the words. Reba's shoulders sagged, and she said something that made everyone laugh. The next attempt was much better.

A few minutes later she broke the group into three sections to rehearse their individual roles. Seth decided to wait until Judd and Jason came on the scene. Judd may have been assigned the role of an angel, but he burst onto the stage with the shepherds watching over their sheep like Rambo intent on revenge. All he needed was a submachine gun for a prop. Jason followed and growled like a lion.

Reba handled the situation well, reminding his six-year-old sons that they weren't there to frighten anyone. Their mission, if they chose to accept it, was to tell the shepherds wonderful, exciting news. Judd and Jason smiled and nodded.

The boys second attempt was much better. Judd's voice bellowed out loud and clear as he shared the wondrous news.

Before Seth realized it, the hour was gone. The twins raced to his side the minute they'd finished. Seth waited until most of the other kids were gone before he approached Reba. He felt a bit awkward, hiding in the back of the room that way, but had derived a good deal of pleasure just watching her.

He was afraid that he'd built up their date in his mind, made more of it than he should have. But as he moved toward her, he realized if anything, he'd discounted his attraction for her. Reba was patient and kind. Her rapport with the kids had been instantaneous, and he hadn't been able to take his eyes off her for the entire hour. He wasn't succeeding now, either.

"It looks like everything's going great," he commented, understating what should have been obvious.

She sank onto a chair and rubbed her hand along the back of her neck. "You think so?"

"You've got the entire program organized."

"I can't take the credit for that. Milly Waters worked with me. I'm just following her example."

Judd sank onto the floor next to her, staring up at her as if memorizing her features. "She looks like the lady in my picture," he announced with childlike enthusiasm.

"Judd," Seth warned in a whisper. If his son embarrassed him by suggesting he marry Reba, he didn't know what he'd do.

"Not exactly like the lady, but real close," Jason said before Seth had a chance to quiet him.

"It's time to go," he stated with an eagerness that bordered on panic.

The twins and Reba looked saddened and surprised by his abrupt announcement.

"Not so soon, Dad."

"What picture?" Reba asked, looking from Judd to Jason.

"It's nothing," Seth said, wanting to be on his way before the twins embarrassed him further.

"Judd drew a picture of a woman with short hair and a red dress," Jason explained when it became obvious his father wasn't going to explain.

"The woman in my drawing looks a lot like you," Judd said, his eyes bright and eager.

Seth urged both his children toward the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, then," he said, hoping against hope to make a clean getaway.

"Tomorrow?" Jason perked up instantly.

"Ms. Maxwell is coming to the house for dinner," he explained, and remembered that he hadn't said anything to Mrs. Merkle about inviting company.

"Good-bye, Ms. Maxwell."

"Good-bye, everyone."

Seth heaved a sigh of relief as they headed toward Copyright 2016 - 2024