Mr. Smithfield - Louise Bay Page 0,99

entire life. “I’ve missed you more than I thought possible. And I’m never going to let you go.”

Relief swept through my body. “I never want you to.”

“So, no French lover that I need to fight off?” he asked, brushing my hair from my face.

I slid my hand up his chest. “There’s never been anyone for me except you.” All those boyfriends before had been shadow boxing. I’d been waiting for Gabriel all along.

He pressed his lips against mine and my entire body sagged with relief. He was here. Kissing me. There would be no telling myself it was best for us to remain apart, or that I would be happy if he was happy. My life would be all silver linings and lemonade with Gabriel—no clouds, no lemons.

Finally, what seemed like hours later, our kiss ended. “I guess we should start your tour. I don’t want you to miss anything.”

I grinned as he took my hand and led the way. I realized this was how it was between us—him wanting to make me happy, me wanting to make him happy. It was a perfect balance.

“How did you manage to get the time off work to be here?” I asked, suddenly worried that we had to make the most of every moment rather than saunter down the street, dodging the mopeds.

“You’re taking up with an unemployed lay-about. I resigned.”

I came to an abrupt halt. “You quit? Did Mike push you over the edge?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Meeting you and then losing you made me look at my life with new eyes. I’d been working for similar reasons that I got married—to make sure I bore no resemblance to my father. I want to hang out with Bethany more. With you. It means we can travel and—”

“I know I don’t have a job yet, Gabriel. But I want a career.”

“Right. And if you have to take an assignment somewhere else in Europe or back in the U.S., we can come with you.”

My heart threatened to explode in my chest. Could life really be this simple? This good?

“Are you not going to work?” I asked.

“I’m going to give second chances for a living. You’re a wise woman, Autumn Lumen.” His smile was infectious.

“I am?”

“The furniture. Restoring and renewing things. It makes me happy.”

Just watching his face as he talked made it obvious that his mind was set. He had been renewed by the prospect of a different life.

“That’s wonderful. And bonus for me, I get to enjoy the fruits of that labor.” I squeezed his bicep, my thoughts already spinning with images of Gabriel hard at work.

“All of me is yours,” he said, his eyes darkening. He pressed his lips to mine and pulled away abruptly. “I need to stop that. Or I’ll be dragging you back to the hotel. I promised you a tour.”

I’d be happy to skip the tour and spend the next week in bed, but Paris was calling, and we had a lifetime to be naked.

As we wandered along the Seine, the sun dimmed further and sky turned darker, the drizzle turning to huge, fat raindrops that thudded against the sidewalks, splashed onto our cheeks, and dented the surface of the river. “The rain has been following me around,” I said.

“It’s raining? Really? From where I stand, the sun is shining all over the place.”

If I didn’t already know that Gabriel Chase was the man for me, that sealed it. “Did you just quote my favorite movie at me?”

He shrugged. “What can I say? I’m so in love with you that I don’t even notice the rain.”

I wasn’t sure what I’d done to deserve Gabriel, but I was going to spend the rest of my life grateful that I’d found him.



I didn’t approve of the jumpsuit Autumn was wearing.

“Stop growling,” she said, grinning at me. “It’s a wedding. It’s not like we can get frisky during the ceremony.”

“It’s not quick to get out of. Or into. It’s a ridiculous piece of clothing.”

“It’s gorgeous.”

“You’re gorgeous,” I corrected. “You could wear anything and make it look incredible.”

“Back at you,” she said, kissing my cheek and smoothing her hands down my suit. “I’m going to miss you being in a suit every day.”

“If you like, I can dress up once in a while.”

“Ohhh, roleplay. Interesting.” She nudged me with her hip.

“I’m not sure we need roleplay to keep things interesting,” I said, grabbing her bottom and pressing my hips against hers.

She pushed me away. “We have five minutes to get downstairs. Copyright 2016 - 2024