Mr. Smithfield - Louise Bay Page 0,59

glamour, and the people she now mixed with changed the rules for her, and I knew it still made her a little uncomfortable. Even I found it intimidating at times and I wasn’t living with it every day. But, as always, if we did things together, nothing was unsurmountable.

The waitress poured two glasses of champagne and Hollie and I clinked as if champagne at lunchtime was just one of those things that the Lumen sisters did.

“He saw the menu and said he liked the sound of everything. And he’s not coming back from Dubai until this afternoon.”

I took the cream card from the center of the table and scanned down the list of food. The bits I recognized sounded amazing. The more I ate at these kinds of restaurants, the more I realized that I liked most things. “I’m happy to be his stand-in. I feel like I’m enjoying Dexter’s lifestyle on his behalf, which is fine by me. Do you feel like you’re missing out doing this stuff with him?”

“Not really. He’s busy. I’m busy. The wedding is no big deal, or so I keep telling myself. If it makes you feel better, he’s figuring out the wine by himself and he came to a dress fitting last week.”

“He saw your dress?” I asked.

“He has a great eye for design, and I want him to like whatever I wear.” She shrugged. “You think that’s a problem? It’s only a small wedding. It’s not like we’re following all the traditions.”

“I think you should make your own traditions and it’s true, he has a great eye.”

“Also, he’s going to make some jewelry for me. He needed pictures so Primrose can design something.”

I laughed. “Wow. Bespoke jewelry. It might be a small wedding but it won’t be cheap.”

A waitress interrupted to put something involving shrimp in front of us. “This is the first of the three starters.”

“We’re eating every option?” I asked, wondering if I should have dug out something to wear that had an elasticized waist. I’m sure I’d like the food, but I didn’t need three of everything.

“Tasting it. You don’t have to finish every plate but we have to know what it’s like. How else would we choose?”

“If you say so.” I wasn’t sure I’d be able to resist finishing every plate.

“So, how goes the job hunt?” Hollie asked. “Anything I can do?”

I shook my head as I tried to ignore the swirl of dread in my gut. “I’ve applied for lots of different things. There aren’t many management training programs starting in September that still have vacancies, but there are a few. And then I’ve applied for some entry-level positions at banks and insurers. I have a couple of interviews next week.” I’d rather focus on the food than have the inevitable conversation hurtling toward me. I didn’t want to think about the future, all the buts and what-ifs. I took a forkful of the shrimp and as I suspected, it tasted heavenly.

“So, you’re definitely going to stay in London?” she asked, bringing me back down to reality.

I wanted to be here with Hollie but realistically, I wasn’t sure that was possible. I was going to try. For now I didn’t need to mention the jobs I’d applied for in Portland, New York, and Tampa. Hopefully, I’d find something here. “I’m not sure. If I don’t get something by the beginning of August, then nothing will happen until September. The new nanny starts in a month and—”

“So, you come to live with me and Dexter. I told you that I can use you as an assistant.”

I was grateful to Hollie but I didn’t want to be her assistant. I wanted my own thing. I wanted to be independent and not have my big sister look after me for the rest of my life. “I know but—”

“And when I say assistant, I mean business partner really. You could really help on the marketing side—you’re creative and clever and organized. I’d be lucky to have you.”

“I agree, you would be lucky,” I said, grinning at her. “But I’m way too expensive for you. And seriously, Hollie, I appreciate the offer, but I need to figure this out and get something on my own.”

She didn’t say it, but the question hung in the air like expensive perfume: What if you don’t find another job?

“But you’ll come live with us when the new nanny arrives? Just until you work it out?”

I nodded. It was that or go back to Oregon. “I’m travelling Copyright 2016 - 2024