Mr. Smithfield - Louise Bay Page 0,57

and wrapped her arms around my waist. “I’m serious,” she said. “I really like you and when I move out—”

“I’m serious too,” I interrupted, not wanting her to finish her thought.

“Can we figure something out?” she asked. “I know I like to see the bright side of things, but I’m not sure there’s an upside to not being with you.”

I exhaled, grateful that she’d verbalized what I’d been feeling. Of course it would be Autumn, the bravest woman I knew. “I’m sure we can figure something out.” I wasn’t sure. I knew I wouldn’t hold her back if what she wanted to do was travel the world or move back to America. I knew she was young enough that a lot could change in a few months. But I had started to wonder whether or not Autumn was someone I could accept a promise from.



Mike’s very grey office suited him. I just didn’t know why I was sitting here first thing this morning. We’d gone over a few strategy points on the Rome deal, but nothing that couldn’t have been discussed over the phone.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “What’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing.” Other than the fact that you called me across town for no reason. “Why do you ask?”

“You don’t normally look so happy.”

I chuckled. “Sorry to disappoint you, Mike. I’m going to leave you to it. I’ve got a busy day.” I stood and headed out, still laughing to myself. Mike wasn’t the first person to mention my mood today. This morning my secretary had said I sounded like I’d caught up on my sleep. Little did she know that I’d had little more than an hour on Saturday night.

But I’d choose a naked Autumn over sleep any day of the week.

And apparently naked time with Autumn had created my good mood. Perhaps it would be a permanent shift over time.

As I got out into the street, my phone buzzed in my hand. It was my solicitor—perfect, she was due to call when the divorce papers finalized. At this rate my positivity would at least last the day.

“Gillian,” I said as I answered the phone. “I’m actually not too far from your offices. You want me to call in and sign the papers?”

“Actually no.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve not had the papers yet, but her solicitor has called this morning with a request from her.”

The blood in my veins stilled and I stopped in my tracks. All I could see was Bethany. Happy, laughing, mine.

I put my finger in my free ear because I didn’t want to mishear anything. “What does she want?” It could only be Bethany. What else?

“A meeting.”

There was no way that woman was going anywhere near my child. She’d proven just how unreliable and untrustworthy she was by walking out. She didn’t have Bethany’s best interests at heart at all and I didn’t want anyone near my daughter who was focused on anything other than what was best for Bethany.

“I’ll see her but I’m not taking Bethany. She’s not going to lay eyes on my child.” A whoosh of noise from the street filled my ears as if I’d been brought back to life. I’d crawl from the grave to protect my daughter.

“If it makes you feel any better, there was no mention of Bethany. She wants a one-on-one conversation with you.”

I took a couple of deep breaths and tried to think. What was she up to? After all these years she suddenly wanted a meeting? It didn’t make sense.

Unless it was about money. Her family had money but perhaps they’d cut her off? Maybe she just thought she was owed. Whatever the reason, my ex had changed her mind and had decided she wanted some of my fortune after all.

“I don’t want to see her. Can’t you just get a number? Find out how much she wants.”

“I’ve tried that,” Gillian said. “She’s assured me she doesn’t want money.”

Irritation prickled at the back of my neck. She might be saying that. But she’d also said ‘til death do us part. And that she loved Bethany. And me. I’d never believe another word that came out of her mouth.

“Right. And I don’t want to see her. I’m not interested.”

“Gabriel, I understand how you feel but we need to find out what she wants. We’re in touching distance of getting this divorce, and if that’s something you want to pursue, you should probably just agree to a meeting.”

I wondered if this was how my Copyright 2016 - 2024