Mr. Smithfield - Louise Bay Page 0,28

she said.

“You like my cock,” I replied. “I knew you would.”

She moaned and slowed, tightening around me. But I wasn’t ready to let her come again. Not yet. I stood, her legs wrapped around me. I strode across the kitchen and leaned her up against the wall.

I slammed into her over and over, pinning her to the spot. I fucked and fucked and fucked as if I’d been deprived of water for weeks and was finally able to drink.

“Oh God, Gabriel,” she cried.

“You’re going to have to be quiet,” I said through a series of grunts. “I’m going to make you come so, so hard, Autumn.” I thrust into her again as if to make my point. “But you’re going to have to be quiet.”

Her head fell to my shoulder and as I continued to fuck and fuck, she cried out into my skin, the vibrations from her moans reverberating over my sweat-sheened skin in a sheet of pleasure.

From underneath her, my fingers found her folds and barely a touch sent her spiraling yet again.

I wasn’t going to withstand her contracting around my cock this time. I’d held on for so long. So many weeks.

“Autumn,” I cried out. Every drop that I thrust up into her was a part of me. I was giving her everything. My abstinence, my composure, my self-control.

In a few moments, I’d taken a hammer to everything I’d carefully constructed over the past three years.

I’d ripped up the rule book for Autumn.

I’d have to deal with the consequences tomorrow.



My limbs were stone-heavy and I wasn’t sure I’d ever have the energy to walk again. Sex with Gabriel had been . . . I knew it would be good. I just hadn’t expected it to be so completely life changing. And I hadn’t expected him to be so filthy. I’d loved it.

“Do you concede at Monopoly?” he asked, fastening his jeans.

I glanced at him with a frown. “Absolutely not. Do you?”

“No, of course not.”

I tried to bite back a grin. I liked that the serious, almost gruff side of Gabriel was back. It wasn’t as if that wasn’t him during sex. Just that he was . . . more. He was open and far less guarded. I liked it all. I just hoped I wasn’t about to get a case of whiplash again. There had been a number of times when I thought my attraction to him was reciprocated and then he receded into being my boss and a man I happened to live with. After tonight, I wasn’t sure I’d handle it from him.

“So, do we have to have a talk now about how this shouldn’t have happened?” If that was the way this was going to go, I wanted to know now. I liked Gabriel and the sex had been the best I’d ever had. Whatever I’d been doing before couldn’t really be described as sex anymore. There was no real comparison. “Because, it has happened. And I can’t regret it, Gabriel.”

He pulled me toward him, circling my waist with one arm. “That’s not how this is going to go. I like you, Autumn. There’s a connection between us that I can’t ignore, however hard I try.”

“But I don’t understand why you’ve tried so hard.” I wasn’t a virus to be avoided.

“There are a lot of reasons. Dexter. Hollie. You’re young. A great nanny. All that, and my last relationship didn’t go so well. I don’t want to hurt you, Autumn. And I don’t want . . . Bethany’s life disrupted.”

Gabriel usually said so little, but right now he seemed to be sharing almost everything on his mind. I didn’t want to push things too hard. I wasn’t angling for a ring. Honesty and openness were all I wanted.

“I’ll tell you what it will take me to concede at Monopoly,” I said, wanting something from him that was beyond words. “Show me your workshop.” I’d been wanting to get behind that door since the moment I moved in. And now I’d seen him naked, it seemed suddenly unfair that he was keeping it from me.

“Now?” he asked.

I shrugged. Seemed as good a time as any. He looked deliciously rumpled, softer somehow in the afterglow of the best sex I’d ever had.

He shoved a hand deep into his jean pocket and pulled out a key.

“Okay,” he said, like it was no big deal.

I wasn’t sure if my heart was racing like a greyhound out of the gate because I would finally get to see where Gabriel Copyright 2016 - 2024