Mr. Smithfield - Louise Bay Page 0,25

urgent. I slid my hands up his arms and finally got to feel the hardness of his muscles that I’d seen moving under his dress shirts and semi-exposed by his tees. His skin was as hot as lava and the low moans he was making as he kissed me made every part of me vibrate. I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t climax right there from just a kiss.

I pushed a little on his chest, concerned I was about to be overwhelmed.

“You want me to stop?” he asked.

“You need to give me a minute,” I said, trying to float back down to earth, but it was difficult when I was so close to him and my lips still hummed with the feel of him. “I never know what I’m going to get with you. One minute you’re telling me how it’s a terrible idea to be near me and then you’re kissing me.”

“I’m capricious.” It was a statement rather than a question.

“You are. But you can’t kiss me like that and change your mind. I’m resilient but not unbreakable. Don’t shut me out again.”

He nodded and cupped my face in his hands. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” His gaze was determined and focused and fixed on me, and I believed him.



As soon as I’d touched her, I knew I was sunk.

For days now, I’d had to rehearse all the reasons I shouldn’t make her mine over and over in my head, like a mantra. Hoping that somehow, they would sink in and neutralize the urge I had to press my hands, my lips, my body against hers.

But my mantra was silent now. I couldn’t focus on anything but her. The feel of her, soft and precious under my fingers. Her scent, warm and inviting. Her large brown eyes, looking at me as if I had all the answers.

My need for her had developed over the months like fine wine, and all the fantasies I’d had of her funneled into this one moment.

She tasted just as sweet as I imagined. I groaned as I pulled my mouth away, wanting to revel in the feel of her lips against mine for days.

“Gabriel,” she whispered, smoothing her hand up my chest.

How I’d longed for her touch. Even my name sounded better on her lips than from the mouth of any other. I pulled her closer to me, not ready to let go yet, enjoying the way she molded to me.

I pushed my knee between her legs and she gasped as if I’d lit her on fire.

“Gabriel,” she said again, more urgently this time.

I brushed her chin with my thumb and then kissed her again, my dick growing harder by the second. I felt like a kid, unable to shift my focus and keep myself under control. I’d wanted her for so long. Since she moved in a month ago. Since I first laid eyes on her over a year ago. It felt like forever. I’d never just looked at a woman and had an urgent need to touch before Autumn. It was as if she existed on a slightly different plain to anyone else, or she’d cast some kind of spell over me.

She wrapped her hand around my neck and twisted her hips slightly, which pushed her against my leg. She moaned, soft and throaty.

This couldn’t happen. I couldn’t let this woman hump my thigh when I knew I could make her come much harder with my fingers, my tongue, my cock.

She pulled back from our kiss. “Oh God,” she said. “I’m dry humping your leg.” She laughed at herself, never afraid to be exactly who she was.

Didn’t she realize? Everything she did was utterly intoxicating. If only she hadn’t been wearing jeans. I wanted her wet pussy streaking the denim on my legs.

I stroked up her back. “Are you wet, Autumn?”

It was the first time I’d ever seen her shocked, but I was done holding back.

“Between your legs.” I dipped my hand between her thighs. “Underneath your jeans. Tell me.”

She nodded.

I wasn’t sure whether or not it was lust or relief that chased through me. Relief that she wanted me. That this was happening. Or perhaps the reprieve of my red, raw hands now I’d finally conceded the tug of war I’d been fighting so hard to win. Defeat had been inevitable. If I’d had any chance at victory, it had slipped from my fingers the first night she spent under my roof. I’d lain in bed with my dick in my Copyright 2016 - 2024