Mr. Smithfield - Louise Bay Page 0,102

the kitchen island, where I was filling a row of champagne flutes. Gabriel went straight to the wine fridge and pulled out another bottle.

When everyone had a full glass in their hand, I raised mine. “Here’s to Tristan finding the love of his life when he’s least expecting it. May she torture and tease him until he begs for mercy.”

Joshua chuckled and I pointed at him. “And here’s to Joshua finding a woman who’s as good a flirt as he is.”

“Gabriel, I don’t know how you managed to trick Autumn into falling for you, but congratulations,” Joshua said, ever the charmer. “If anyone deserves to be happy, it’s the two of you.”

We all clinked our glasses and it felt somehow as if we were cementing together our extended family. Beck, Dexter, Joshua, Tristan, Andrew, and Gabriel had known each other forever and were brothers in all but name. It was heartwarming to see such strong men support each other through the turbulent ups and downs of life, but the icing on the cake was how they had welcomed me, Hollie, and Stella into their lives as if we were long-lost sisters. The group really did feel like family.

“Oh, and did I tell you, I’m moving in,” Joshua said. “Your house is so bloody cool.”

The corner of Gabriel’s mouth twitched. He loved this house. It had taken a bit of persuasion for me to agree to it being our home—it was just so big. But the workshop next door was ideal, and the short commute had sealed the deal.

“You’d be welcome,” I said.

“No, he wouldn’t,” Gabriel said, looking at me as if I’d lost my mind. “We already have Bethany to look after. And unlike my daughter, I’m not sure Joshua is housetrained.”

“He’s more than housetrained,” Dexter said. “He organizes his lovers by the days of the week.”

“That’s just because he has a terrible memory and can’t remember their names,” Tristan said.

“You’re out of line, Tristan,” Joshua replied.

“Okay, tell me Miss Sunday Afternoon’s name?”

Joshua flushed scarlet with rage, but before they could come to blows, my sister interrupted.

“My prediction is that Joshua will find someone special soon and he’ll be moving in with her, so no need to panic,” Hollie said as she patted Gabriel on the back.

“How much champagne have you had?” Joshua asked. “You’re way off base. I’m never going to live with a woman. I don’t like to share my space.”

Hollie grinned at him like he had no idea what was coming. And if I knew anything about my sister’s determination and single-mindedness, she’d have Joshua in love and married within a year.

I pulled Gabriel to one side as Hollie and Joshua continued to bicker, and Dexter and Tristan looked on, delighted at Joshua being tortured.

“I love you,” I said. “And your wild, dysfunctional group of friends.”

“I love you too,” he said. “And as much as I loved this house as soon as I saw it, I love it even more, now I see you in it.”

That’s how life would always be with Gabriel and me. Life was made better by being together. The dark moments in life wouldn’t be so scary when I was holding his hand and good times would just be made better by being side by side, step-by-step with this beautiful soul next to me.

A few weeks later still…


A twitch in my trousers told me that maybe this blindfold I’d just secured around Autumn’s eyes would come in handy a little later this evening.

“Gabriel,” she said, her tone hushed. She brought her fingers up to the edge of the black silk bandana.

“Take my hand,” I said. “You’re fine.” I led her from the hallway into the dining room, which had a clear view of the internal courtyard.

When I had her in position, I stepped back. I wanted to take in her reaction when she saw what I was about to show her. “Autumn Lumen, I wanted to do something special as this is an anniversary.”

Her hand shot to the blindfold. “Anniversary?”

“Don’t take it off yet,” I said. “Yes, it’s the fifteenth month anniversary of the first time I ever laid eyes on you, wearing pajamas and eating ice cream with your sister at Dexter’s place.”

Autumn tipped her head to the side. “You are too sweet.”

“You know that’s not true.”

She laughed and I took a deep breath, relishing the sound that filled my soul every time I heard it. “You’re sweet with a side of dirty between the sheets.”

“I wanted to mark it,” I continued. Copyright 2016 - 2024