Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,77

excuse me,” I answered the phone and covered the receiver. “I need to take this in my office.” I looked at Alex and smiled at Christine and Gabby. “I look forward to working with you both in the near future. Alex will present you both with more information that should help explain things further.”

“Thank you, Mr. Mitchell,” Christine said.

“Yes, thank you. It’s much clearer now that you’ve explained it,” Gabby said.

“I’m thrilled to hear that.” All I needed was that lively yes from Gabby, and we had this company on board. I smiled, happy we saved them, and I walked out of the conference room.

“Avery?” I questioned, hearing her heavy breathing. “Is everything okay?”

“I’m so sorry about calling you, but I’m in a bad situation, and I can’t pick up Addy from her church, singing-practice thing tonight,” she said, sounding like she was in tears. “You’re the only one I knew would eventually answer your phone because you pretty much live on the thing. I’m broke down. I was coming back from jury duty. Addy already likes you a lot and I don’t want her going home with another kid’s parent if I can help it. Fuck! Jim, are you there?”

“I need you to slow down. Do I need to pick you up too?”

“I need you to pick Addy up from her Christmas pageant singing practice,” she said. “She’s there for practice and has to be at her dad’s like thirty minutes ago too.”

“And what about you?” I asked, worried she was sitting on the side of the road while Addy couldn’t have been safer, being at a church.

“I’m fine. And shit, I’m so sorry to put you in this shitty position, but I’m getting a tow, so I’m good. But having you pick her up will save me from another parent or teacher taking her because I’m too far to Uber back to get Addy and then drive to Orange County where her dad is.”

“So long as you and Addy are safe, I will handle it.”

“Okay, can you—damn it—do you mind picking her up and heading to her dad’s house? I’m so sorry to do this to you.”

“It’s not a problem; send me the address.”

There was a pause then Avery’s heavy breathing slowed some. “Okay. I texted you the address, and I’ll be waiting at the house before you and Addy get there. I just need Addy picked up and heading this way. They’re closing the church early tonight too. Dammit, I should have started with that.”

“Take a breath. I will handle it.” I threw her on speaker, already packing my briefcase in my office, and heading to the parking structure. “I’m reading my text and it’s an address in Anaheim. That’s where I’m meeting you in Orange County, right?”

“Right. Hang on,” she said. “I’m texting you the church location now.”

“Try to relax a little,” I said. “They’re not going to leave a three-year-old standing outside a locked church.”

“I know, but still. I didn’t want to call you. I don’t want you to have to see or deal with Derek, either.”

“I can handle your ex,” I said, seeing the address to the church had me about ten minutes or so away. “I’ll get Addy, and I’ll have her call you when she’s with me, and we’re on our way to Orange County.”

She sighed a huge breath of relief, “Thank you. Can I say I love you for this?”

“You can say you love me anytime you want,” I teased as I sat in my car, stuffing the briefcase on the floorboard, having no room for it behind the front bucket seats. “I’ll call you when I’ve got the special package.”

“I can’t thank you enough for this,” she said in a softer, more relaxed voice.

“There’s no need to thank me. You just take care of you, and I’ll make sure Addy is fine. I’m pulling out of the parking lot now.”

We hung up, and precisely fifteen minutes later, I was pulling into a large church parking lot. Addy was swinging on a swing while a teacher stood by, watching her and three other toddlers in the playground area. A minivan pulled in next to me, and I smiled seeing that other parents also appeared to have been put in a last-minute predicament to pick up their kids.

I stepped out of the car, hoping Addy would recognize me. Thank God she did. I couldn’t help but smile in response when she broke free from the teacher’s hand, and scream my name with Copyright 2016 - 2024