Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,74

the beach,” Addy said, moving to dipping her fries into her shake now.

“Addy, it was a real castle. I showed you. A king and queen from a long time ago stayed there too,” I said.

“And from what I recall, they enjoyed their chambers so much that they didn’t want to leave.”

Jim’s eyes locked with mine, and I knew we were both back in that room, and I’m not sure which sexual routine he was thinking about, but mine was seeing him on his back with the roaring flames in the fireplace. The flicker in his glossed eyes.

“I could easily say they may have never wanted to leave,” Jim said, then broke our stare and looked at Addy. “You mentioned sandcastles, Addy. Do you enjoy the beach too?”

Good job changing the subject. I was starting to get worked up just thinking about our time at the castle and knowing that our memories had stuck with Jim too.

“Love it, but can’t go this time,” she said, returned to her coloring again.

“She’s going to her dad’s this weekend. She only goes to the beach when I take her.”

“Well, I would love to invite you and your mom with me sometime. My brother loves to surf, and I might try it if you think it’s a neat idea.”

“You surf?” she questioned with excitement. “I see the surfers too. They’re cool.”

“I used to. Quite a lot, actually.”

“Mommy surfed a long time ago too.”

“Well, then maybe if your mom thinks it’s a good idea, we can all go to the beach.”

Addy looked at me. “Can we go?”

“When?” I looked at Jim, whose face looked so soft, so young, so happy. Addy did bring out the youth in people, even when she was a spitfire.

“Whenever you would like. I have a home on the beach. If you’re okay with it, we can spend next weekend there. I think it would make it all the more enjoyable.”

“Mitch,” Addy said. “Don’t lie. No one lives on the beach.”

“Some people do,” he said.

“Next weekend works.” I looked at Addy, “Do you want to go stay in a beach house like we’re on vacation, Addy?”

Jesus, was I doing this too fast?

“Yes, Mommy, and surf too.”

Jim laughed. “Wow. Perhaps we stick to sandcastles for now?”

He cringed at me as though he’d slipped up and started something with the whole surf idea. I grinned at how insecure the man was acting. It was another new side of Jim I’d never met, nor did I think I’d meet. I adored the concern and attention he gave Addy and me. He could’ve easily not given a damn about anything, but it was apparent he was trying hard to make it work with the three of us.

I respected him on a new level than what I had grown to admire during our fun times in England. He owed neither one of us anything, and yet here he was, in what I assumed was him trying his best to give us everything? Who knew? I never had anyone treat Addy and me like this. It was refreshing and a feeling that made me feel warm inside. The armored walls that I’d had up since before Addison was born seemed to come down more and more the longer I was in his presence.

“So, the beach next weekend,” Jim said after we finished our dinner, and Addy went to work on dipping cold fries into her milkshake.

Addison smiled. “Sounds so much fun.” She held out her chocolate shake toward Jim, “Try your fries in chocolate.”

Jim was successfully eating cold fries and trying Addy’s suggestions of dipping them into the flavors of the milkshakes at the table.

“Welcome to our world,” I said, watching Jim play along with Addy.

“Your world is colorful, tasty, and adventurous.” Jim nodded toward Addy, watching for his reaction. “I’m glad you invited me to dinner tonight.”

“I’m happy you came, Mitch,” she said.

After we finished, we headed out to our cars. “So, next weekend, then?” Jim knelt to Addy, and she put up a fist.

“Fist bump,” she said.

Jim chuckled and met her tiny balled up hand and gently touched his fist to hers. “It’s a sealed deal.”

While Addy climbed into her seat, she worked on showing off for Jim, trying to buckle herself in.

“Thanks again for tonight,” he said, reaching for my hand. “This was quite a treat.”

I watched as he held my hand, staring down at it with that concerned look on his face again. “I’m glad you didn’t run out of there after we started Copyright 2016 - 2024