Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,72

taking off his aviator sunglasses.

She pointed at the Bentley, slowly rolling toward a secluded area at the back of the parking lot. “Then why won’t you drive your car?”

Jim glanced to where his driver was, then back to Addy. “Well, I must admit, I get a little lazy at times.”

He looked at me for help in his excuses while being questioned by a three-year-old. I laughed and shrugged. “The crazy ways children view the world,” I said with a soft laugh. “All right, let’s go order. I’m starved, and Mitch is late for our dinner date tonight.”

“Let’s eat.” Addy looked at me. “Be nice, Mommy. He said he’s lazy. I think he’ll get better though.”

“Well, ladies,” Jim said, “since I’m late, I’ll be paying for dinner tonight.”

“You’re not buying dinner,” I responded, walking behind where Addy was leading the way into her favorite restaurant.

“A real gentleman pays for dinner no matter what,” Jim said, looking down at Addy, who stood next to him while we waited to order. “Never forget that.” He winked at her with a playful smirk.

I smiled when I watched the two scouring the menu as if there were anything on it that everyone on the planet didn’t know by heart.

“Well, since Jim is buying…thank you, Jim,” I said after he glanced at me. “I’ll take a big mac, a cheeseburger, a large fry, and a chocolate shake.”

Jim’s lips tightened in humor. “You sure that will hold you down?”

“Oh, and a coke.” I smiled at him.

“Your mother is an expensive dinner date,” he whispered down at Addy.

“Mom and me eats lots of food,” Addy proudly proclaimed.

“That’s good.” Jim laughed. “It’s healthy to have a good appetite.”

“I’m going to go find a table,” I said. “You two okay here?”

“We’ve got this, Momma.” Addy gave me a wink and a thumbs up. “Get a big table too,” she finished before studying the happy meal toy display.

I honestly expected Jim to look at me for help, being left with Addison, but instead, the two ignored me leaving, and I laughed at how brave the man was to handle the ordering with Addy. I knew if Addy was wise to Jim, she’d order the entire menu and try to get away with it.

While waiting at the table, I sat and thought about how this was turning out to be an enjoyable night. I was still in awe at how Jim was so taken with my daughter, and most of all, Addy was so accepting of him.

I could sit here and think Jim was only doing all of this to get laid again, but I knew that wasn’t the case. Jim wasn’t acting as if that were even a thought in his head. He seemed genuinely interested in getting to know this side of me and Addison too. My motherly instincts were definitely present as well, and I felt comfortable with him joining me and Addy tonight. Who knew, we hadn’t started in on dinner yet—Addy and I could both easily send him running to that Bentley when we dug into our food.

“We have three trays, Mommy!” Addy shrieked while she and Jim came back with our food.

“Three trays?” I asked with a laugh. I stood to help Jim—who was balancing two trays with drinks, milkshakes, and food—then I turned to where Addy proudly held her tray that had two happy meals on it.

“Did you get a happy meal too?” I asked Jim while helping Addison up to her seat.

“Well, if I’m honest. We faced some difficulty, having to choose between two separate toys.” He sighed and smirked at Addison. “Then the worst part…” he said dramatically.

Addison giggled at Jim’s theatrics.

“I couldn’t imagine anything being worse than having to choose between happy meal toys.” I popped a straw in Addy’s drink.

“Well, there was.” Jim smiled at me, his emerald eyes dazzling in humor. “Addy couldn’t decide between having a cheeseburger or chicken nuggets. We determined the best bet would be just to order two.”

I rose my eyebrow when I looked at Jim in response. “Careful, Mitch, she’ll play you like fiddle if you give in so easily.”

“Mitch is weird,” Addy said, ignoring me and smartly changing the subject. “Mitch hates ketchup,” she informed almost every family sitting around our table.

“I had to try and break it to her gently,” he said. “I’m not a fan of the condiment.”

“It’s sauce, Mitch,” Addison said, peeking into both happy meal bags. “It’s good.”

“I offered to dip my fries in the barbeque sauce,” he said while Copyright 2016 - 2024