Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,55

to date his ass if his preference weren’t for men only.

“Amir says hi.” I smirked at him.

He leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at me. “You need to play nice.”

“Sounds like you’ve made a friend already,” Britney said.

I looked over at Alyssa, whose jade eyes reminded me of some eye model or any model for that matter. The girl was gorgeous, and, as usual, she was in LA to become an actress. She was super cool too. How I made friends so fast was beyond me, but I was genuinely happy about it. Maybe it was my fearlessly eating everything in sight—like I had done with Jim—that drew people to me? Hell, if I knew.

“Hey, sorry, but I’ve got to go,” I said. “Stefanie’s on her way over.”

“No problem. I’m glad things are going well. Talk later,” Britney said before she ended the call.

The week went phenomenally well. I couldn’t have asked for a smoother transition into a new job—a new life. Amir and Alyssa were sort of my new crew, and I caught all the gossip on the floor from them, which was more than I expected. I guess a lot of behind the scenes shit went on down here.

There were two managers above Stefanie on our floor, but I hadn’t had any encounters with them so far. They were stuffed away behind glass walls down the hall from my desk where about thirty of us sat and did the grunt work for the bosses in the PR department of this company.

Addy and I had officially moved into our new apartment, and it was her first day to come to work with me. I held Addy’s hand, walking her into the daycare and preschool unit.

“You excited?” I asked, seeing all the kids starting to take notice of Addy—who’d dressed herself this morning. “It’s a big day with new friends,” I said as a woman approached.

“Can I help you two?” the gray-haired woman with a meticulous bun asked while another younger, beautiful redheaded woman trailed her.

“I’m here to bring my daughter in while I head up to work. Stefanie told me she was starting here this morning.”

“What’s the child’s name?”

“The child’s name is Addison Blake,” I said.

After a whirlwind of bullshit, me turning over Addy’s birth certificate, and all the other documents that came with enrollment, the woman refused my daughter. The sweet-looking younger redhead? She was a total bitch who helped escort us from the area.

Addy looked up at me, confused, and I did my best to keep it together. “The only way to get you into class is to give you a little experience, kid,” I said with a smile, thanking God that she didn’t get her feelings hurt.

“Sperience?” she tried to say the word.

“Yes,” I said, punching the elevator button. “You need to learn a little bit about what Mommy does, and then you can go play with the rest of the kids and tell them what you learned about at work with mommy.”

I wanted to cry. What the fuck was I supposed to do now? I pulled her out of a school with teachers and friends she loved. We were officially an hour away from that place now, and Stefanie had fucked me over by saying that I could just show up, and so long as I had my paperwork, Addy would be allowed in. Now, there was no fucking room? We’ll see what Stef thought about that while Addy worked on her floor as a damn distraction all day.

“Hey,” Amir said. “I bet you’re Addison. You sure look like an Addison. Am I right?”

“Addy,” she said, climbing into my seat. “I have to learn work,” she stated thoughtfully.

I smiled at Amir’s confused expression. “Apparently, there’s no room for extras. That would’ve been nice to know last week,” I said.

He frowned but kept his lips clamped while Addison looked at him. “Well, we can use your help here with us, Addy,” he said.

“Oh, my God. She’s your mini-me,” Alyssa said, coming around in her tight-ass dress, long gorgeous legs, and breasts threatening to spill out of it. “You’re a doll.”

“I’m not a doll. I’m a person,” Addy corrected her.

Alyssa looked at me and laughed. “She’s got your strong personality, too, huh?”

“Yeah, and imagine two of us working up here together.”

Everything was moving smoothly until three in the afternoon. Amir had even gone out and found a coloring book and colored pencils to keep Addy occupied. Then, Stef came onto the floor after being Copyright 2016 - 2024