Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,52

away for when Derek goes on benders and shows up here.”

“Which could be tonight. Now that he knows I screwed Jim…” I looked closer at the brochure that she handed me about this building, the company, and its CEO. “Holy mother of fuck,” I said in disillusionment.

“Pretty hot for a CEO, eh? I’ve never met him though. I’m sure I’d fall apart then and there if I had. God, look at his—”

“Brit,” I said, stopping her as I pointed to the handsome man in the photo who was labeled the owner and CEO of this business. “This is Jim. My Jim, from London.”

“James Mitchell?” She laughed. “Like fuck, this is the guy you slept with for nearly a week? The guy who spoiled your ass?”

“The very damn one.”

Her eyes widened. “Get the fuck out of here! Do you know who that man is?”

“I’m getting a clear-cut idea and pretty quick.” Jesus Christ, I guess I should have done the math on how important he was as a business man. The security detail he had follow us out of London. The castle he owned as a vacation home. The suits, cars. It was all in front of my face, but I was too fascinated with him and not all the company bullshit he was chained to. “Yeah, I can’t work there. Not for him.”

“The hell you can’t,” she said. “You’ll never see him anyway. Trust me. He works on the top floors. I haven’t even met the guy, and he acquired my business.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m not sure, but who cares if you see him again?” she said. “You both ended it, right?”

“On bizarre fucking terms,” I said.

“You need to do this for you and Addy, period. You haven’t had an opportunity for a win like this in a long time. Take it.”

“You’re right.”

“There are two massive skyscrapers that Mitchell and Associates own. His office is on the top floors of the Howard Tower, and like I said, even if you worked in the same building as he does, you’d never see him. The place is massive, like sixty or seventy floors. Hotels are on the lower levels, with amenities like coffee shops, restaurants, and boutique stores…shit like that to entertain international travelers. It’s enormous, so you won’t see him. Trust me, they have those buildings set up to entertain and you’ll be in a world of your own on your own floor.”

“You do see how gorgeous the man is, right?” I asked.

She laughed. “Goddamn, do I ever. Now I really want to know what the sex was like.”

“He was amazing.” I smiled at the memory of seeing this face, laying back on the table—his look right before he came while I rode him. “All I can say was that the man I spent a few days with,” I pointed at the picture, “smiled a lot wider than this, and he didn’t look like such an arrogant dick the entire time.”

Britney covered her mouth. “What if you see him again?”

“We ended it, remember? You keep talking like that, and I won’t take the job.”

“Get the fuck over yourself. You’re doing this for Addy. Now, housing is so hard to find, but there is a studio available. Let’s go look at it. I’ll cover the down payment, and we’ll get the process underway.”

“What if I don’t get the fucking job?”

“I already told Stef you’re in. She trusts me, and I know you’ll be a perfect fit. You’re more than qualified for this anyway. There’s no way I would let you pass this by.”

“Stop trying to do shit for me,” I growled.

“I’m helping you, Avery. Stop fighting people who want to help you. There’s no weakness in saying yes. You have said more than once that you want out of this shit hole and a job that could fucking pay the bills. This is a golden ticket, and you know it.”

I slumped against the couch. “Well, as long as you put the deposit down, you’re out the money if I don’t get the job.” I pursed my lips. “What am I doing there, anyway?”

“Mainly paperwork and computer shit. You’ll probably be setting appointments for Stefanie and doing personal shit for her too. Easy stuff.”

“Fine. Let’s go look at this place in Torrance you’re raving about.”

Chapter Fifteen


I went out with Britney and some of our mutual friends that night. We started with sushi, and then the celebration went on from there. Britney had reached some crazy-ass milestone with her company, and Mitchell and Associates were Copyright 2016 - 2024