Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,29

of that pissed me off.

Sure, I was a man who was uninterested in relationships, and I had a bit of a history of bringing women to bed and moving on, but at least I made sure the woman got off too. Jesus Christ, all men were selfish bastards, weren’t they?

Part of me didn’t want to fuck Avery, because I knew exactly what I was doing. I was used to satisfying my own needs of wanting to get laid and never attaching to women beyond having sex. A commitment was a big-ass thing for me to consider. I knew all about it—that’s why I wasn’t up there in her room. Instead, I was sitting here, staring at the number-one commitment in my world—Mitchell and Associates—and someone trying to fuck us over.

My thoughts shifted back to when I kissed Avery in the village before lunch. I didn’t kiss women like that. Ever. That particular kiss was right up there with my personal reasons for never having oral sex with women. It was all too fucking intimate. I could never lead a woman on to believe I was a man who could take care of them or do more than just fuck them. Then there was Avery. I felt myself drawn to her in more ways than I ever deemed possible with a woman.

I watched her take in the sights of the village like she was a celestial creature who’d brought me into this wave of bliss by examining her beauty and listening to her laugh. She’d freed my soul from these strange bondages of work that held me hostage, whether I wanted to believe my company did that to me or not. She hit me straight with facts. She smiled so beautifully she took my breath away. Everything about her was making it extremely hard to fight against these new and raw emotions I was having now.

I should’ve never let it all go as far as it did tonight, but I did without thinking. That’s when, even though I knew it was a terrible idea, I kissed her when she asked. Her moans and bringing her lips to mine while her body was writhing in pleasure by my touch—that was part two of falling victim to this blue-eyed beauty. There was a cautious and caring way that I engaged in kissing her. It was intimate as hell, and I knew it. I savored her taste, her moans against my lips, and her body moving beneath me.

Goddamn I had to have her. Now.

I pushed back from my desk, got up, and trotted toward my room. That’s when I realized it was three in the morning. Fuck me, had I been staring at that email string for that long? Shit. I grabbed one of the boxes of condoms I took with me from the states. I knew I’d get laid on the trip here, and two weeks’ worth of condoms should’ve been enough—except the person I thought I’d be fucking turned up married.

My phone buzzed before I opened the door to Avery’s room to check if she would accept my promise of fucking her before I lost track of time.

What the fuck is it now? I thought as I opened up the new text from Alex.

Alex: Check your email. Dunlap & Son are pulling their investment and dropping stock. Fucking Julia!

Jim: I’ll handle it and her.

Son of a bitch! I knew turning that married bitch away in my office would spark this. First, we’re on the brink of losing these college dip shits and their gaming company, but compared to losing Julia’s father’s company, that was inconsequential.

I wanted to text Julia and go off on the bitch for hitting me exactly where she knew she could. The woman could knee me in the balls and get away with it, but crying some bullshit to her daddy or goddamn brother? Un-fucking-believable. Now, we were losing a lead investor because I wouldn’t fuck her.

I must have spent an hour going through the email and hearing their bullshit reasoning for pulling out of Mitchell—after having been with us since my father recruited them—and also deleting my potential response email a hundred times. I was too fucking pissed to respond. Julia’s brother, Greg, was being groomed as the next in line to his father’s company, and he was the fucker who sent the damn email. I had to get in front of that smug little son of a bitch, and I would. Once I got home, I would Copyright 2016 - 2024