Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,178

the verge of bursting with pride for the beautiful family we had become. It was meant to be—we were meant to be this family.

“You realize you two have to pack some time today, right?” Jim said while he sat on the lounge chair next to where Addy and I played in the pool.

“We get to fly high!” Addy squealed, floating over to the steps of the pool and climbing out.

Jim tossed his laptop into the cushions next to him as Addy darted in his direction, soaking wet.

“Hey!” He snatched her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder. “You are going to injure yourself greatly and spend your entire vacation in a hospital, little missy.”

“Addy,” I said, my heart racing while I stepped out of the pool, “you’re about to lose your pool privileges for a week if you don’t stop running while you’re wet. You know the rules.”

“Sorry, momma,” she said as Jim pulled my wet daughter to his side, and she clung to him like a little monkey. “Sorry, Jim.”

“Apology accepted,” he grinned.

I pulled Addy from his arms and set her feet on the ground. “Listen up, kiddo,” I said, eying her and Jim, “you’re way too spoiled, you know? Jim forgives you too easily when you’re in trouble.” I smirked at him when he bit his bottom lip, “You’re going to go into your room and start picking out some warm clothes for our trip. Got it?”

“Yes, momma,” she sulked and turned back to Jim for some support.

Jim quickly brought his attention to the sky, ignoring my daughter as she tried to tempt him to help her out of being scolded.

Addy went into the house with her new pal, Frances, Jim’s housemaid. I swear, if it weren’t for Frances, I’d lose half these battles of wills with Jim and Addy. The big, bad CEO was the world’s greatest softy when it came to Addison.

Jim and I laughed when Frances started in on Addison, and Addy took the older woman’s hand, listening quietly as she imparted her words of wisdom to back me up on Addy being safe at the pool.

That night after Addy was sound asleep in her room, Jim and I wound down our evening on the top deck of our home. I sat up from where I leaned against his shoulder and placed my wine glass on the table.

“Okay,” I said, seeing Jim close his laptop and slouch against the sofa, “all of the work stuff finalized?”

“I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you today.” He ran his hands through his hair, “Since having you and Addy back in my life, bringing work home like this is the worst feeling ever.”

I ran my hand over his leg, “You’re lucky that I can enjoy the breathtaking views from up here when you’re working on your laptop at ten at night.” I smiled while he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

“Trust me, this will end. September can be a nightmare for me at times.”

“I’m not worried about it,” I said, scooting closer to him and running my fingertips through his hair.

Jim leaned closer to me, and I kissed his forehead. “Thank God for that.”

“There’s something you and I should talk about,” I said. My tone made Jim sit up straight, and his eyes met mine with concern. “This spoiling stuff with Addy, we have to tone it down a little. It’s starting to concern me.”

“What exactly has you concerned?” he questioned. “Me giving in to her so easily?”

“Well, you’re a pushover with her, that’s for sure,” I laughed. “I know there’s gotta be one in the parental role who has to be the mean one—the grown-up.” I arched an eyebrow at his lightened expression. “We both know that’s me, but you’re good with rules and mandating she follows them too.”

He pulled me onto his lap, and I straddled him. “Then what has my beautiful lady so concerned? She’s still the same child I adored from the first moment I met her.”

“I just don’t want her to live in a complete fantasy. I need her to learn that everything she has now, living here and in all this luxury, it doesn’t come free. She needs to start to understand that you worked hard for it. I don’t want too much to come so freely to her. Does that make sense?”

He licked his lips, “I will always work to make you and Addy both the happiest women on the planet, yes. I will have you know Copyright 2016 - 2024