Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,150

muscles like Jim’s?” she asked.

Addy was stating the obvious. The guy was wearing a T-shirt, and the poor shirt sleeves struggled not to burst against his massive biceps. How much did this man workout, and how did he find the time? He might’ve had some good genetics, but to get this, he had to have been working overtime. At least that’s what I guessed. Who was I kidding? I didn’t give a shit how he got it. It was lovely to enjoy it.

“Yep,” Jim said, spooning the green scrambled eggs onto a platter. “I have to eat my veggies, so,” he turned to her and gripped her calf, to which she squealed, “I can get big strong legs,” he poked her nose, “smell food better,” and he squeezed her while pulling her off the counter, “and pick up little ones like you.”

Addy ran over to me, and I hugged her while Jim went into his zone and started plating dishes. His consisted of ham and fruit, and after I gave him a nod of being okay to eat my green eggs, he served up mine and Addison’s on his white, square plates.

“Jim, you have to try them. You have to try green eggs,” Addison said, her little hands holding onto the counter, watching him.

He took all three plates, balancing one in the bend of his arm, “I will not eat them here,” Jim said, setting my plate at the table, facing the view and pool, “I will not eat them there,” he said, setting Addy’s plate in front of her, “I simply will not eat them anywhere.”

Jim sat as I poured Addy orange juice from the carafe on the table, and she took the glass. “You are ruining the story, Jim,” she said, sipping her juice. “He does eat them in the end.” She poked her fork into her fluffy green eggs. “And he loves them.” She took a bite and then moaned and gave Jim a thumbs up and a brisk nod.

I looked at Jim as he teased Addy by forking a piece of cantaloupe and eating it.

“You don’t like the eggs because they’re green?” I asked.

He swallowed and shook his head. “Nope,” he said in the playful tone he’d used with Addison.

“Jim’s crazy. Green eggs are my new favorite,” Addison said.

I took a bite. This guy could fucking cook. The eggs were seasoned deliciously, were fluffy, and could melt in your mouth.

“These are so good,” I said. “Are you roleplaying Addy’s favorite book or just suddenly not eating eggs?”

“I prefer them over-easy.” He leaned over and snuck a kiss after I licked my lips. “With eggs, I’m quite picky.”

“Well, the book shows green eggs, over easy, not scrambled, so you cheated.” I smiled at him.

He smirked. “Shh.”

That morning, we toured Jim’s house, Addy leading the way as I explained that it was another cool vacation home that Jim had brought us to. She was attaching quickly and already not wanting to leave. She had no idea how badly I wanted to stay here forever too, but I kept reminding myself that Jim and I were taking it slow. At least I thought we were.

That afternoon, we played in the water, Jim throwing Addy over his shoulders and teaching her diving maneuvers. Now Addy’s new favorite thing to do was dive in the water and swim to Jim’s arms. Their laughs, the random kisses I got when they both approached me on my floating lounge—I could die right here and now, this was the most content I’d ever felt. It was as though we were the last three people on earth.

Addy chose to lay next to Jim in the shade when we got out of the water, and I laid down on a lounge chair watching as Addy fell fast asleep. Jim and Addy were stretched out on one of Jim’s outdoor queen-sized chaise lounges. I was so relaxed that I closed my eyes and let the warm sun soothe my entire body and soul. This was paradise.

After about thirty minutes or so of closing my eyes, I reopened them to peek over at Jim. His eyes were hidden behind his dark aviator sunglasses, and his lips were twisted into a look of concentration while he stared intently at his laptop.

“Hard at work, I see?” I playfully nudged his side with my toe.

He grinned. “Just handling this last issue so I can enjoy my girls and turn it all off as I should have before,” he said while I Copyright 2016 - 2024