Mr. Mitchell Billionaires' Club Book 2 - Raylin Marks Page 0,110

that question.” Jim’s face grew severe. “Unless I call for a personal meeting with you, I don’t ever want to see you sniffing out my company and its business again. You and I will never have another conversation unless it’s when I’m buying your company out, and I’m quite certain that, if you keep up these childish games, it will be very soon.”

The man said nothing, only glared at Jim, and then stormed out of the enormous banquet hall. Jim looked at me, “Did that asshole say anything bothersome to you?” he asked, looking like he was still in CEO battle mode. “Avery?”

I smiled at him. “You must’ve completely forgotten who the girl is that you’re wearing on your arm tonight.” I sighed and looked over to Jake and Ash. “Though he did mention that Ash was the reason Jake got kicked out of the Billionaires’ Club, and I’m going to hit you straight, Mr. Mitchell,” I said looking back at Jim. “Dating a broke single mom? That shit’s going to destroy you in that elite circle.”

Jim frowned and looked over at Jake’s smile. “For fuck’s sake,” he said in a low voice, “that buffoon brought that up to Avery?”

“Gave her all the criteria and everything.” Ash chuckled. “We’re all betting you’re out next, Jim.”

Jim shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I swear to God that when old man Forrest turns over that company to that idiot, that company will fall.”

“And you’ll be there to catch it?” Jake smirked.

“Nope,” Jim said, the lights dimming and the music picking up to fill the dance floor. “I’ll let it fall and acquire all of the failing businesses under its umbrella. All because he has no idea the meaning of busting your ass to keep a company going and growing. Lately, I’ve found myself exhausted with entitled assholes. Forrest showed his value in coming here tonight. What a singularly stupid fucking idiot.”

“All right, it’s mingle time.” Jake eyed Jim.

“The event is now in your hands.” Jim smirked. “I need a goddamn drink and not in the company of the guests.” He glanced at Ash. “You know you’re not forced to deal with all this nonsense.”

“Jake and I will handle the room.” Ash smiled at us. “Go grab your drink; we’ll manage the rest from here.”

“Why do you always give into him?” Jake looked at Ash with a funny smile.

“Because you’re forever dumping stuff on Jim.” She laughed. “I think Jim and Avery could use the break after rushing down here to take Alex’s place.”

“Thanks, Ash.” Jim smiled at her. “How about you, Avery?”

“I just know I’m starved,” I said, prompting Jim to laugh, then he saw the daring expression on my face. “I was told I’d have some food before, during, and after this fine event. I’m thinking that while dancing is commencing, we could step out for a few minutes.”

“Better get this one back to the hotel room and feed her, Jimbo.” Jake laughed and shook his head. “Ash and I are going to mingle while you two are eating,” he arched a knowing eyebrow at me. “Make that shit quick. Regardless of what my beautiful wife says we’re doing, I’m certainly not fielding all of the BS questions for my brother.” He winked, and then he and Ash drifted into the crowd.

Jim didn’t hesitate to take my hand and lead me out of the large hall. We walked briskly to our room, no words spoken, and the man who’d towered over the douche walked with a purpose that made my insides swirl with excitement. I glanced up at his expression, and I knew this interlude might turn into something I wasn’t expecting from him but would never forget.

We barely made it into the hotel room, the door forced closed by his strong hand, and I was now up in his arms, and his lips on mine in a way they had never been before. I was trying to keep up with his urgent and devouring kiss, but my adrenaline spiked. Fuck, I was so taken by him.

His tongue was forceful, and his groans sent shivers down my spine. “You remember me telling you that you’re mine?” he said in that commanding James voice.

“Yes.” I bit my bottom lip, the territorial look in his eyes was so fucking hot that I could hardly think. “Are you about to claim what’s yours?” I tried to tease him as he placed me on my feet, and his hungry lips found my neck.

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