Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,93

hand. “I’m the videographer for tomorrow. Just setting up. No need to pay me any attention.”

Rori watched her mom’s eyes narrow on Mike, clearly assessing him despite—or probably because—his instructions to ignore him.

“And tell me, Mike, are you good at what you do?” her mom asked, already looking unimpressed.

“I leave that assessment is up to my customers,” he replied, keeping that easy smile he always seemed to have in his arsenal. In front of her mom, it only became more apparent how much Mike’s charisma resembled her father’s. Her mom certainly wouldn’t miss that fact.

“True enough,” her mom said. “Well, I look forward to it.”

With that, Mike was silently dismissed as Rori’s mom turned back to her.

“Darling, you look splendid. What have you changed?”

“Nothing,” Rori said. “But glad to know that the old tricks are still working.”

A second pair of high heels clicked into the lobby and Rori saw her mom’s face freeze.

“He didn’t,” Rori said before turning to look, and realizing that he had. The man was her dad, after all. Of course he would be unable to bypass an opportunity to flaunt his latest amour.

“Of course he did,” her mom replied in their native tongue. “This should be fun.”

Chapter 50

Ice queen. It might not be the most flattering description for a person, but it was certainly the most accurate Mike could think of for Rori’s mother. Definitely not affectionate, and a far cry from supportive. Mike thought back to that first day he met Rori—to the family party when she had moved herself off to the side and watched his family like they were a sea of jack-in-the-boxes that might pop at any moment.

That unsettled look on her face from that night made a whole lot more sense now. Such an unruly scene would be a tad unsettling if one was used to a mom who treated her like a trophy and a father who was dating someone the same age as his child. Maybe younger?

As the two crossed the lobby Mike couldn’t be sure. All he could tell was that the woman with Rori’s father had the proportions of someone who was looking for a career in adult entertainment. Mike couldn’t even imagine what his reaction would be if his own father brought a date like that to one of his film openings. Rage, for certain. But when Mike glanced at Rori for her reaction, all he saw was resignation.

“Omigawd, it’s so big,” the blonde on her dad’s arm said as she gazed up at the ceiling. Rather than looking up to see what his girlfriend was seeing, Rori’s dad gazed straight down the blonde’s bodice.

“Agreed,” he said, and Mike could have sworn he heard Rori groan. When her father looked up, he caught sight of Rori and her mom and steered his date their way. Mike didn’t want to stare, but he kind of couldn’t help but watch the procession of the woman’s breasts as she walked across the lobby. No bounce to them, no natural movement. Just two stiff torpedoes stretching the skin around them to the max and ready to take out anyone in their path.

Right then Mike decided that natural was better, whatever the size may be. That said, he had to admit he was looking. Weirded out, or not, he was staring.

“Aurora!” her father called out as he drew closer. “You look gorgeous, my dear!”

The compliment raised Mike’s hackles for some reason. He didn’t like the guy, and had a feeling that wasn’t going to change. That was all he knew.

“Thank you, father,” Rori said, kissing both of his cheeks.

“This is Teddy,” he said, gesturing to his date. “Teddy is very into the arts.”

“I can see that,” Rori said diplomatically as her mom stepped forward.

“Hello, Richard.”

“Francesca,” he said with a nod. “Could Jean not make it?”

“He will arrive later,” her mom sniffed. “He needed to stop over in Shanghai.”

“Of course.”

In a matter of seconds the social temperature in the room went from frigid to arctic wind. Even Teddy picked up on it.

“I checked out some of your work online,” Teddy said, sending a big smile at Rori. “That parody stuff you did of modern idols of American culture? That was hilarious!”

“Thank you,” Rori said, politely, looking between her parents.

“And that other one for autism awareness? Of the literal representations of common sayings? Hil-ar!”

Rori’s lips curved up in a toothless smile. “Well, I’m glad I could make autism awareness amusing to you.”

“I know, right?” Teddy chuckled. “I mean, what else can you do?”

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