Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,6

luggage while Luke moved and opened the rear door for her. “You and me get the back seat, babe,” he teased and she smiled.

“I might fall asleep on you,” she warned, stepping up.

Luke beamed that effortless smile that was uniquely his and Rori marveled for a second that no girl had fallen in love with that smile. Rori liked it. She found it comforting, but surely there had to be a few girls he already knew who had swooned over it.

“I’m ready to take that chance,” he said, and followed in after her, quickly pulling her close.

Settling in and closing her eyes, Rori noted that Mike was on the phone when he got into the driver’s seat.

“Yeah, Luke came home, plus one. Think she can use the guest room?” he said into the phone before adding. “Yes, I said she,” to the voice on the other side. “They both look ready to crash right now, so I think I’ll just take them back to our place since you’re setting up there. It’ll be quiet at our place for now, but can we set up the guest room for her tonight?” A brief pause. “I’ll do it. Don’t worry about it.” Another pause. “Okay. Love you. See you in a bit.” Then he hung up and fired up the engine.

“See?” Luke said in her ear, his voice sounding as drowsy as she felt. “I told you the Cannons would welcome you with open arms.”

For the moment, it seemed Luke was right. Rori was too tired to care either way, so she just leaned in, inhaled Luke’s scent and let go.

Chapter 6

Since the smell of Luke’s travel-worn shirt was the last thing Rori remembered, the fact that his scent had been replaced with a new aroma was the first thing she noticed upon waking. Rori turned her face to the mattress beneath her, inhaling deeply and trying to place the aroma. A mix of fresh-cut grass, cologne, and clean laundry. Strangely enough, she liked it.

Opening her eyes, Rori had the moment of disorientation as she realized she was in a new environment. The faded light coming in the window told her the sun was on its way down for the day, but far from gone. The sparse furnishings and framed posters around the room told her that she was in a guy’s space, but not Luke’s. She’d been around him enough to know he was a slob, and this room looked like it was kept up by a maid.

Or by a guy who had a mom that had raised him to be helpful.

Rori sat up abruptly, knowing for certain this was Mike’s room and Mike’s bed, although she had no idea why she would be in it. Confusion ebbed into annoyance when she heard two male voices talking in another room.

Raking her fingers through her unruly hair, Rori stood and took a few sleep-drunk steps in the direction of the voices. They led her down a short hall and to a living room that opened into kitchen, where Luke and Mike stood talking.

She noted Luke before focusing in on Mike. Tall, muscular, and… doing the dishes?

Mike noticed her first, tapping Luke and pointing her way without greeting her himself. Luke turned and immediately smiled from ear to ear. “Hey, there! Hope we didn’t wake you.”

“No,” she said, as Luke came over and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’ve only been up for about an hour,” he said, making her wonder what time it was. “That flight totally wiped me.”

“Me, too.”

“Sorry about the sleeping arrangements,” Mike said from the sink, keeping his back to her. “You’ll have your own bed tonight. It’s just crazy at my parents place for the moment and our couch…well, just trust me on that you’re better keeping you distance.”

She did trust him, but had Rori heard that first part right? Parents’ place? Had Rori heard him correctly? They were expecting her to stay with the Cannons and not with Luke?

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re up,” Luke agreed. “Because we have a party being held in our honor.”

Turning off the water, Mike grabbed his keys from his pocket. “Gazpacho is in the pot. Put it in the fridge when you’re done and don’t eat too much. There will be a lot of food tonight.”

Rori blinked, wondering if she’d heard him correctly. Gazpacho is in the pot?

Luke turned, clearly not expecting Mike’s exit. “Where you headed?”

“Errands,” Mike said. “Last minute stuff. See you in an hour.”

Then he started for the door.

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