Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,4

Maybe both. For a moment, though, he couldn’t care. Her single cocked eyebrow had Mike studying her eyes, which he was quite sure were the darkest shade of hazel he had ever seen. He’d have to get closer to know for sure, but they looked like a emerald green shining through a tawny filter.

“Whoa,” Luke said, pushing him away and chuckling. “It’s good to see you too, man, but save the PDA and grab that bag will you?”

Tearing his eyes away from the perfect lips Mike promised himself he would kiss sooner rather than later, he turned to the carousel, searching out Luke’s luggage and not seeing it anywhere.

“Which one?” he asked.

“The orange one with the stickers on it,” Luke said, pointing out some luggage that looked like it had been imported from the 1950s. When Mike sent Luke a confused look, he added, “It’s Rori’s, not mine.”

It’s Rori’s, not mine? Luke knew this woman well enough to recognize her luggage? To grab it from the carousel without consulting her?

Mike must have hesitated too long, because his dream woman stepped forward. “Don’t worry,” she said in a smooth, accented voice that left him blinking. “I’ve got it.”

“No, no,” Mike said quickly, bumping into her as they both reached at the same time. He wasn’t sure if it was hair product or perfume, but she smelled amazing. Like cinnamon, vanilla, and citrus. “Glad to help. I’ve got it.”

She pulled back from their impact, studying him as she silently agreed to let him pull the bag. Mike felt her eyes on him and wanted to look back to try to see what she might be thinking. Instead, he played it cool and just grabbed her suitcase. It was lighter than he imagined. Definitely lighter than any bag his sister or mom had packed in their lives.

“Rori, this is my best friend, Mike,” Luke said from behind them. “As friends come, there’s none better.”

Reminding himself to keep things casual, Mike turned and stuck out his hand. “Good to meet you, Rori.”

Her eyes dipped to her suitcase in his hand and a curious expression crossed her face before she reached out and gripped his hand. Firmly. “You, too. Luke’s told me a lot about you.”

Man, that voice. It was like a drug designed to lower all defensive mechanisms. But even the siren sound of it couldn’t fully distract Mike from what she’d said. She’d heard a lot about him? When? On the flight? And if it was just on the flight, why were she and Luke smiling like they had a secret?

Again, Mike felt a kick of panic as he found his voice. “Really? I have yet to hear about you.”

“Oh, that will change,” Luke said. Then Mike watched, in seeming slow motion, as Luke’s arm snaked around Rori’s waist. Intimately, in a way that said that it had been there before. As a wild, irrational wave of anger made a quick trip through his body, Mike watched Luke look down at Rori with an expression of complete adoration, as Rori tilted her head up to Luke.

There was only one reason a woman tilted her head like that. It was the universal invitation of a woman for a guy to lay one on her.

In that moment of realization, Mike went from angry to ill.

These two knew each other. Well. They’d kissed before. And Mike knew Luke well enough to know that his friend had never looked at anyone the way he’d just gazed at Rori.

New feelings filled Mike’s chest. Feelings he didn’t have words for as he forced himself to smile and say, “I look forward to it,” as his friend’s smiling, slightly chapped lips connected with Rori’s.

When Luke pulled away and beamed at him, Mike had to look away before he punched the smug look off his friend’s face. He had no right to punch Luke and he certainly didn’t know Rori well enough to know if she was worth fighting over.

At least that’s what his mind said, even as a primal part of him roared something completely different.

Mike had no choice. He had to look away.

“Any more bags?” he asked, trying to distract himself.

“That’s it for Rori,” Luke said. “I’ve got two more.”

Mike nodded, knowing exactly what they’d look like from his many trips with Luke. And while he stood looking, Rori stepped forward and reached for her bag.

“I can take that,” she offered again. Her eyes were unreadable, as if she were feeling him out in some way he couldn’t comprehend. Copyright 2016 - 2024