Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,28

blinked herself back into the conversation. “Please. Happily ever after is a myth. Happiness in general is the result of good planning.”

It was as if she had just spoken Chinese, based on the confused look on his face. Mike didn’t seem to catch her vision, but nor did he attack it.

“So what are some of the items on your list?” he finally asked.

Rori didn’t want to answer. She didn’t know why. She had told Luke the list without a hint of self consciousness, but for some reason Mike had her wanting to avoid looking too closely at it.

“Luke, basically,” she said instead. “Good, upbeat, a good father—”

“Wealthy,” Mike added in the same tone of voice.

Rori pursed her lips and debated how to respond.

“Admit it,” Mike said, closing the distance between them. “You wouldn’t be interested in Luke if his grandfather hadn’t left him all that Coca-Cola stock a few years back and made him insta-rich.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” she said without hesitation. “I would think he was a nice guy, but I certainly wouldn’t consider him for marriage. Experience has taught me, Mr. Cannon, that it is best for money to be a non-issue in relationships. Luke has his money, I have mine, and we split the needs of the children. It is one less thing to worry about.”

She could see that Mike hadn’t been expecting her agreement, or her rationale. That felt good, at least. And the fact that he was close enough to smell the remnants of his cologne? Well, she was choosing to ignore that. Mainly by talking.

“Don’t get me wrong,” she added. “I’ve had my fair share of poor and middle-class boyfriends, so I know what I’m talking about. The simple fact is relationships don’t work when the woman has money and the man doesn’t.”

“So only millionaires will do for you then?” he challenged.

Mike seemed unfazed as she leveled her harshest glare at him for his implying that she was a woman for sale.

“Yes, Mike. Only millionaires will do for me.” She stepped in, moving in close enough to be sure he felt their body heat mingling. The instant she did it, she forgot why. All she could feel were the currents of want just below the surface and she secretly wished for Mike to finish closing the distance.

But no, she was pretty sure this was about making a statement—that this was about showing Mike that she was a woman who was not easily swayed.

“It is not an unrealistic standard,” she said, keeping her voice cold despite the persistent thumping of her heart compelling her to reach out and touch. “Especially as my net worth is greater than Luke’s and I have the education to manage and sustain it. Luke has no such tools at his disposal and needs guidance if he is to avoid flushing his inheritance down the drain.”

Mike only smirked. “No offense, but you’ve known Luke a few weeks. He’s actually quite smart with money, but that’s none of my business.” Was it her imagination, or did his eyes lock on to her lips for a moment? “What is my business is making sure you’re right for Luke. Just because you’re hot and rich doesn’t mean you’re ‘Luke’ material.”

If Mike had been looking at her lips before, he definitely wasn’t now. He was looking her dead in the eye with such force Rori couldn’t even swallow. She did manage to find a few words, though. “I might surprise you.”

“Doubt it,” he said stepping off the tramp. “I’m pretty good at predicting successful engagements, and I say that you two won’t last the week.”

He left then, striding over to gate to the back yard. Rori waited until the gate was shut between them before allowing herself a stabilizing breath.

None of this wasn’t going remotely as planned.

Chapter 16

Pancakes. Bacon. Eggs. Chatter. The rich aromas and happy noises woke Rori up the next morning. Before she even opened her eyes, she realized she had fallen asleep fully dressed the night before. She didn’t even remember returning to bed. The tramp must have done its job well.

Forcing herself out of bed, Rori decided on a quick shower before joining the Cannon clan for breakfast. Stepping out of the guest room, she spotted Kris across the hall in the bathroom, already dressed and finishing up her perfect hair.

“Morning,” Kris said easily, setting down the curling iron. “I’m done. Left you some clean towels on the counter. Breakfast is ready whenever.”

“Thank you,” Rori said, wishing she felt half as awake Copyright 2016 - 2024