Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,112

so you can try to get your mommy and daddy to approve of you for once.”

They were standing too close for her hand to pack too much of a punch, but it was the thought that counted as her fist bounced off the muscles in his stomach even if it didn’t accomplish much.

Mike leaned in. Maybe he meant for her to feel the heat emanating from his arousal, maybe he didn’t. Either way, she felt it and her treacherous body responded. And when their eyes locked, Rori knew he could see that she was affected. Damn him.

“Rori, I may not be the man you hoped for or imagined, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t a fit.” He used his finger to tilt her chin up, making sure she looked at him as he spoke. “If I walk away from you right here, right now, I’m going to think about you the rest of my life. When I kiss another woman, I’m going to wish she was you. And I think that when you kiss Anton, some part of you is going to wish you were kissing me instead. Deny it.”

One word. One lie. That’s all it would take to stop him on his tracks. All she had to do was deny his accusation and get back to the exhibit. But instead, she looked at him feeling helpless.

“Rori, I’m pretty sure I love you,” Mike said, brushing his thumb under her bottom lip. “I don’t know exactly what that means, but I know I want to try. Whatever it takes, whatever you need to give me a shot, it’s yours. Because I’m yours.”

Who said stuff like that? Seriously. And why the hell wasn’t he kissing her? You didn’t just say something like that and then look the other person in the eye like your world revolved around them. It wasn’t fair. Not even a little. You kissed them, dammit. You let them show you what they weren’t ready to say yet. Things like, I love you so much it scares me, and, When I imagine my future children, they have your eyes.

If they didn’t kiss soon, that’s exactly what Rori would say, so she decided to go in on her own. Rising up on to her toes, she caught his lips with hers in a kiss both hard and possessive. As a rule Rori tried to keep her kisses seductive and stimulating, but this time she just did what felt right, unbuttoning his shirt so she could put her hands on some skin.

Take him, a voice in her head commanded when he raised her off the ground. Without hesitation Rori wrapped her legs around his waist and gave a sigh of what sounded like relief when he pressed his arousal to hers.

Thank God, Rori thought as she sucked his tongue into her mouth symbolically. The immediate tension that filled his body brought the first honest smile of the day to Rori’s face.

Mike wanted her. Not just anyone. Her. She could feel it in his touch, see it in the focus on his gaze, and the’ knowledge was intoxicating. And seeing his need fanned the flames of her own need. Maybe some other time she would have the state of mind to slow things down and proceed with a little more finesse, but for the moment she brought her legs higher up on Mike’s hips and moved her hips against him as she finished unbuttoning his shirt.

“Rori,” he panted, pressing them flush together. “I—please?”

She understood him, because she was thinking the exact same thing. “God help me Mike, but I need you. Right here. Right now.”

That lit a fire under him, but rather than putting his hands on her or adjusting her so he could undo his pants, Mike’s focus seemed to be on reaching into his front pocket.

“Key,” he muttered against her mouth. “I need that damn key.”

Key? Rori wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but if it was a key to the door to the side of them, then she could get in on that hunt. “Do you need me to get down?”

He shook his head, using his hard length to deliver a stroke where she would feel it most. “Nope. I’m happy right where I am.” He moved in to deliver a gentle kiss, and Rori noted with pride that his lips were more than a little swollen.

She’d done that. She smiled, letting her head fall back against the wall as his mouth found her neck.

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