Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,102

bearing another man’s children.”

Mike didn’t even know how to process those words. “Excuse me?”

“You may be asking yourself why I’m coming to you with this information, and coming to the conclusion that I’m here to separate you and Aurora. And that conclusion would be correct. Her mother and I would prefer that her lover not be close by as she enters into her engagement. It’s disruptive.”

“Look,” Mike said, handing the folder back. “I don’t know where you get your information, but I am not Rori’s ‘lover,’ nor is she engaged.”

Jean didn’t take the folder. “I see. So you’re not on your way to go see her this very moment?”

“Well, yes—”

“And that wasn’t you in her bedroom earlier this evening?”

Mike frowned. “It was.”

Jean nodded as if that settled it. “Look, Mike, I’m telling you this because I feel for you. Where you come from the passion you’re feeling right now means something. I have no doubt my little girl has feelings for you as well, but those feelings mean something very different to her. She’s not going to base the most important relationship in her life on something as transitory as emotions. Feelings come, and feelings go, no matter whom you marry. The key is to marry a person on the same track you’re on. Someone of similar values and with a similar background.”

“And someone with money,” Mike added bitterly. He thought the other man would deny it, but Jean nodded.

“Most certainly. Monetary issues is one of the top three reasons for divorce, and Aurora has taken great care to find a man she will never have reason to divorce. He’ll be here tomorrow, and you can trust me when I say that you’re not going to like how things change between you and my daughter once he arrives.” He glanced to the folder. “Which is why I’m arming you with information and offering you a choice.”

“Yeah? And what’s that?”

The other man’s smile was laced with pity. It made Mike want to punch him. “My wife believes you to be infatuated with Aurora, which means your behavior at seeing her with another man is unpredictable, at best. Given how publicized tomorrow’s event will be and some of the names who will be in attendance, we don’t like that level of uncertainty.”

“You think I’m going to cause a scene when she shows up with Anton?”

“We can’t rule out the possibility. Which brings me back to the choice I am offering you.” He gestured to the folder. “Read that file tonight. It outlines the life she wishes for herself and the man she has chosen to build that life with, including a detailed outline of their marriage.”

Mike’s hand gripped the folder in rage at the words he was hearing. Rori’s stepfather didn’t understand. Mike knew that. Maybe Rori had been willing to have a cold marriage before she’d met him, but there was no way she would be going back to Anton after the heat that they had shared earlier. Not a chance.

Jean regarded him thoughtfully. “Rori says you are a talented filmmaker.”

She had? He felt a blush of pride before suspicion replaced it. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“It has to do with the fact that I could help you meet some key, influential people in exchange for you quietly disappearing from Rori’s life.”

“Not happening,” Mike said without hesitation.

“It’s understandable that you say that now,” he said, giving Mike’s arm an unwelcome pat. “You are naïve, but twenty-four hours from now, I won’t seem like quite the asshole I do tonight. You’ll understand that I know how a broken heart feels and that my offer to get you a directing job comes from the fact that I know a man with a broken heart needs to throw himself into work—”

“Or make me look like a gold digger who walked away from her the moment I saw a payoff,” Mike countered.

Jean smiled. “Not so dumb, are you?”

“She’ll think I used her.”

“News flash, Mr. Cannon. You already are using her. Just like she’s using you. It can’t be helped. The difference is that my Aurora understands that, and you do not. Her feelings will not be hurt when you accept my offer. I’m sure she will wish you the best in your endeavors even as she moves forward with hers.”

The way the man spoke…it was like everything had already happened just as he had described. It was all past tense. Written in stone. Only then did Mike realize that he was dealing Copyright 2016 - 2024