Mr. Big Shot (Suits & Sevens #1) - Isla Olsen Page 0,8

he weren’t my best friend’s dad. Or completely in love with his husband—who happens to be Shay’s little brother, by the way… yeah, as Mac would say, the four of them could be a reality show. But somehow the situation works, so who’s anyone else to judge?

With his much shorter stature, bright red hair, and pale skin he got from his English mom, Jamie looks next to nothing like his dad. In fact, when he tracked Blake down a bit over a year ago, a whole heap of people thought I was the long-lost son. So I’ll take that compliment, even if I’ve never really seen it myself.

“Okay, Red, let’s be real for a second,” Shay says, glancing at Jamie with amused affection. “What’s more likely, that Will’s been possessed by an otherworldly entity, or that he just decided to let loose for the night?”

“The possession thing. That’s definitely more likely,” Jamie says.

I just shake my head and return to my pancakes.

I was shocked out of my mind when Emily Cox’s assistant, Maya, called me on Sunday to let me know I actually got the job after all. I was on the subway, heading back to Brooklyn after my brunch with Jamie and Shay when I got the call, and I swear if I hadn’t been surrounded by a train full of strangers I’d have done a celebratory dance then and there.

I’ll be shadowing Maya for the next week while I learn the ropes, and if that goes smoothly I’ll then step into my role as personal assistant to the CEO, Spencer Cox.

I decide not to think about the whole harassment scandal; like I told Mac, I’ve been assured of his innocence by a reputable source…or, at least, a source. But even if that weren’t the case, I doubt I’d be able to bring myself to care that much right now; I have a job and will be bringing in a steady pay check—that pretty much trumps whatever moral high ground I’d like to be standing on. Besides, Emily was so unbelievably nice—surely her brother can’t be that bad?

When I arrive at CPG on Monday, I’m expecting to meet my new boss right away, but that doesn’t happen. First, I’m taken to HR to sign a whole heap of forms and pose for my employee ID. Then I spend the morning reading the employee manual and learning my way around the phones and email system.

Maya’s desk is right next to mine, directly outside the two corner offices that belong to each of the Cox siblings. Once again, Mr. Cox’s glass is set to opaque, while his sister’s is transparent.

“Can I ask a question?”

Maya glances up from her computer, offering a reassuring smile. “Of course.”

I glance at Mr. Cox’s office. “Is it always like that—with the privacy glass?”

Maya’s expression turns thoughtful. “Not always, but a lot of the time. It’s a feature they purposely designed when renovating the building because Emily likes to see out and Spence prefers privacy.” A bright grin crosses her face. “Em likes to tease him about what he actually does in there that he needs the opaque glass, but I think he just finds it easier to concentrate without the bustle of the office distracting him.”

* * *

At about eleven am, I hear Maya pick up a call and have a short conversation with my new boss.

“You’re ready now, Spence?” she asks into the phone, nodding at whatever he’s saying on the other end. “Okay, not a problem, we’ll be in in a moment.”

She pops her head around my desk and lets me know my boss would like to meet me now. I stand up, smooth out my pants and straighten my tie—yeah, I decided to wear a tie today.

I follow Maya as she knocks on the door, before pushing it open. “Spence, this is Will, your new PA.”

I step around Maya and get my first look at my new boss. And somehow manage to master my astonishment as I register his identity as Sexy Suit Guy from the other night. And damn, he’s even hotter than I remember—and trust me, I’ve been replaying that memory in my head all weekend.

His eyes flash in a moment of surprise as he recognizes me in turn, but he quickly masks it, turning to Maya. “Thanks Maya, you can leave us.”

Maya heads out the door, closing it behind her. I want to run after her, beg her not to leave me alone with him, but obviously that’s not an Copyright 2016 - 2024