The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,74

was waiting for me but then…where was he? Against my will, my gaze drifted to the brick home across the street, and I could have peeled the red paint from the door with my glare.

I told myself that he wouldn’t.

He couldn’t.

He’d promised.

“FUCK.” I GROANED. MY EYES fluttered closed before I forced them open again and sat up in the bed.

Lou’s bed.

I hadn’t intended to stick around after dropping off film for her Polaroid and a new memory card for the digital camera I’d gotten her for her birthday. She preferred vintage, but I was hoping she’d consider pursuing photography one day—maybe investigative journalism since she was a nosy shit. She needed to expand her horizons, and I was determined to steer her in the right direction.

I’d let myself in with the key she still didn’t know I had with plans to drop her shit off and get the fuck out of dodge, but I’d found myself sitting on her bed to clear my head. That had been two hours ago, and I’d woken up feeling groggy as hell. Once the fog of sleep cleared, I began to panic as I checked my phone for the time.

Seeing that it was two hours before school let out, I sighed in relief and stood from her bed. Her sweet scent drenched the sheets, which was probably what lulled me to sleep in the first place. I groaned as I headed for the door feeling pathetic. How could such an innocent girl disarm me so easily and often? I should have seen all her moves coming from a mile away, but she brought me to my knees at every turn.

Opening the front door, I stopped short at the sight of Eliza shaking a near catatonic Lou while calling her name with increasing panic. The only sign of life from Lou were the tears falling from her eyes. And I knew instantly that I’d caused them.


My voice broke through her stupor, and when her eyes found me standing in her doorway, I saw relief in them just before her shoulders sagged, and she began to tremble.

Cursing I rushed down the stairs. “What happened?” I growled at Eliza.

“Dude, how’d you get in our house?” she questioned rather than answer me.

I shot her a look that sent her fleeing for the safety of her house and took her place in front of Lou.

“Did something happen?”

I felt a surge of violent energy at the mere thought of someone causing her even the smallest harm. Lou was a bit of drama queen, but none of that mattered because when it came to Lou, I didn’t take chances.

“Nothing,” she croaked and then sniffed. “I was just wondering where you were.”

My gaze zeroed in on the tears staining her cheeks. “You were crying.”

“I had an eyelash stuck in my eye. Eliza helped me fish it out.” She hiccuped before rushing around me for the front door. I watched her go, wondering if it was wise to stop her and demand answers. My idea of comfort would only damn us both. She took the decision away from me when she whirled around on the middle step. “What are you doing here?” she questioned as if it just occurred to her where I’d been.

“Two days ago, you texted me asking if I could ‘talk’ your teacher out of giving you detention, and then you told me you also needed more film.”

Her laugh sounded forced as she crossed her arms. “So you thought breaking and entering was more logical than waiting for me to get home?”

I paused at the hostility in her tone. “I didn’t have time to wait for you to get home,” I explained warily.

“Then why are you still here?”

My phone chimed, saving me from looking her in the eye when I said, “I took a nap on your bed and overslept.”

I heard her scoff and looked up from reading the message from Shane. Her arms were crossed, and I could tell she was annoyed but also a little…suspicious?

“Well, I hope you didn’t wrinkle my sheets.”

I knew then that something was seriously wrong. Lou wasn’t exactly the neatest person. Sometimes, she made me feel like her mother.

Make your bed, Lou.

Pick up your trash, Lou.

Why is there a bra hanging from the ceiling fan, Lou?

“I was surprised to find there were sheets at all,” I retorted, keeping my tone light.

She rolled her eyes even though she knew I was right. It took her forever to remember to wash her sheets, and whenever she Copyright 2016 - 2024