The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,68


I wrestled to get out of his hold when his scent and heat began to cloud my judgment. I wanted him to kiss me even if it was hard and punishing. I had a feeling that sex with Wren would hurt so good. “How did you find me?”

He ignored me as usual and shoved his hands in my pockets searching. I huffed when he found the wallet and phone I’d lifted. I didn’t get why he cared so much. He was a member of the most brutal gang in this city and had done things much worse than pick a few pockets.

Our names should have been Pot and Kettle. We were constantly at each other’s throats to be better when neither of us would listen.

He dragged me down the sidewalk, and like a dick, he made me face the girl I’d stolen from. Now that I was getting a better look, I started to debate if she was rich at all. Not only were her plain clothes worn but she lacked the vibe that said she was better than everyone else. She seemed wary as her worried gaze flicked between Wren and me, and I could tell she was debating if I needed rescuing. I snorted. No one else in this world could handle Wren as I could. I crossed my arms and waited, not the least bit sorry.

“This belongs to you,” he said as he held out my wallet.

Her attention shifted to her tattered wallet—another red flag that I’d misread my mark—and her big brown eyes became almost black.

“Thanks,” she said tightly. “How did you know?”

I just barely refrained from smiling when he scowled down at me and said, “She does this a lot.”

I knew he was thinking about the night we’d met. We had both almost died, but it didn’t stop my foolish heart from painting the memory as a magical night that could have only been bettered by one unfulfilled promise. The thought of his touch sent a tingle down my spine while heat spread upward from my toes, melting by bones and turning my legs to jelly while igniting the ball of tension in my stomach. Not wanting them to see my girlish infatuation, I sneered at the girl whose pocket I’d picked.

“Big fucking deal. I’m homeless, and I have a better phone, and her wallet only had forty bucks. What kind of rich kids are you?” I cringed when I realized I sounded like a brat, but at least I didn’t sound like a horny brat.

“Lou,” Wren said warningly.

The girl’s anger faded when she seemed to study Wren closely, and although I didn’t see interest in her gaze, I was ready to scratch her eyes out anyway.

“Her mom was a hotel maid,” the girl with whiskey eyes and brown skin remarked. “And my dad coaches high school football. What makes you think we’re rich?”

“Been trailing you since the Pizzeria. If you’re not rich, your boyfriends definitely are.” And as if I’d conjured them up, their guys stormed from the little souvenir shop. I smiled knowing Wren’s day just went from shit to diarrhea shit. A little explosive and a whole lot of messy. “Here they come, bestie, and man, do they looked pissed, but you can take them.” All three stepped from the store, a unit moving as one as they tactfully surrounded us. The pretty muscled one with light brown hair and the greenest eyes was the first to speak. The tattooed one was grinning and rubbing his hands together like he had been served a buffet. He was so damn tantalizing I was caught off guard when I felt moisture pooling inside my mouth. Still, it was nothing compared to the tsunami, earthquake, rain, and hellfire Wren stirred inside me with just a glance.

I turned away.

“What’s up, Danny Boy? You look…different.”

“Harlan,” the infamous Danny Boy greeted with a nod.

I’d heard his name come up more than once when Wren thought I wasn’t listening. I never thought I’d meet the thorn firmly embedded in Wren’s side. I certainly didn’t expect some preppy-looking god, but I guess it made sense why Wren so obviously didn’t like him.

I was fantasizing about how many steak and lobsters I could buy with his wallet when Wren said, “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”

I was taken aback by the rising hostility in his tone. Sure, Wren didn’t seem to like him very much, but his loyalty to his brothers was unwavering. Right now, he looked like Copyright 2016 - 2024